The settings page is where you can manage personal information related to your Synaptiq account as well as manage billing for any subscriptions you may own.
In the account section, you can change:
First Name
Last Name
Daily Email Reminders
You can choose to have Synaptiq notify you of the number of due cards you have. You can choose to be reminded Daily, Occasionally, or Never.
You can change your theme to Light, Dark, or Glass mode from the Preferences section by clicking on the desired theme.
Subscriptions & Billing
If you have Synaptiq Pro or another subscription, you can manage your billing settings by clicking the Manage Subscription button. This will take you to a Stripe page where your subscription settings can be modified.
Redeem Code
If you have an access code for specific content, use the Redeem Code feature and enter the appropriate code. If your code is valid, the content will be added to your account automatically.