Developing standardized recipes for proper portioning, preparation and plating will make for consistent plates coming out of your kitchen. Second, tying the recipe cost to the items on your menu gives you a tool for Menu Engineering – reviewing profitability and popularity of your menu.
> Accurate recipes for each menu item will provide you with tools to help make your operation more successful! Knowing your cost of the dish - and more importantly - the profit generated by each item will allow you to make menu decisions that effect your bottom line.
> Recipes feed into Menu Engineering - which feeds into Menu Design. So, start with a solid foundation... and build a menu that works for you!
From the Dashboard
You may get to Recipes via the square Recipes box on your "dashboard" or via Recipes and Ingredients Tabs on blue Navigation Bar
> Recipes = Menu Items or Plates (typically single servings)
> Ingredients = Batch Recipes (bulk or multiple servings),
Custom Ingredients (non-Sysco Ingredients), and Sysco Ingredients (used in recipes)
> My Recipes
Recipes can be categorized in standard Menu Categories (Appetizers, Salad, Soup, etc) or by your own Custom Categories. New Recipes will default to "Uncategorized".
From here, you can Add A Recipe or Edit Existing Recipes
Looking at an Existing Recipe row in My Recipes
• Image (if one has been added) / Name / Checklist of elements of a recipe (ie. ingredients have been entered, the cost of the Recipe, and if directions have been entered)
• The drop down of Recipe Actions on the far right – allows you to
Recategorize, Archive, Duplicate, Download a Recipe Card or Delete a Recipe
INGREDIENTS TAB or View Batch Recipes & Ingredients
> My Ingredients
Batch Recipes – Review / Add or Edit Batch Recipes
Review row detail shows total cost, cost per unit, total yield and # of recipes the Batch is used in / Drop down Actions allows for Download of Recipe Card, Delete and Archive
Custom Ingredients
Review of row detail shows cost per unit and how many recipes the
Custom ingredient is used in
Sysco Products
Review of row detail shows all the Sysco Products used in any Recipe or Batch,
SUPC #, Brand, Cost per unit and how many recipes the Sysco Product is used in