RECIPE > Ingredients > MORE OPTIONS > Units Per Case & Yield
• Each Sysco Ingredient will offer a MORE OPTIONS button with the Units of Measure drop down. This is where you can access the Product Card and adjust the Yield of the item – or enter a customized Units per Case
Product Card This provides more info on the Sysco product, and may include an image, basic nutrition, portion and yield detail, etc. There are two customizable areas for you to adjust the ingredient to your specifications:
• YIELD = % usable product remaining after preparing ingredient to make ready for use. ie peeling carrots/roasting prime rib/trimming cabbage (% of ingredient remaining after waste or shrink)
NOTE: To assign a specific YIELD to an item, enter the percent yield in the box provided. This will hold for this item in any recipe you create (for this account) until you adjust it.
TIP: you can calculate the YIELD yourself by testing, or enter an average from an outside source such as -
• Units per Case - each Sysco product comes with its own set unit of measure and available unit options. If you need to alter, you can customize here. ie – if a case of something has 96 each (ie. Potatoes) but the unit of measure is in lbs / oz - you can add 96 into the Product Card – Units per Case field, and now you will be offered "ea" as Unit of Measure in the recipe drop down. You will then be able to select 3 ea potatoes – instead of having to weigh the potatoes and select 1.45 lb potatoes.
NOTE: the custom unit is searchable and customizable, and will only present as "ea" - but eventually, you will be able to label this field. (ie: ladles / scoops / trays). This will hold for this item in any recipe you create (for this account) until you adjust it.
TIP: you can calculate unit conversions yourself by testing, or enter a conversion from an outside source such as -