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Batch Recipes & Ingredients

Even a simple, single menu item often requires several recipes, or sub-recipes that are produced as a Batch Recipe.

Written by Stu (Chat Host)
Updated over 5 years ago

VIDEO - Batch Recipes

The Batch Recipe is assigned its own unit and cost based on to total cost to produce the batch and how much it yields.   Once a Batch Recipe is created it can then be used within Recipes, or within other Batches

Each Batch Recipe contains both preparation and cost information. The recipe measures and instructions can be printed for use by the kitchen and in your recipe manual.

• Examples
Salsa, Meatloaf, Soups, Sauces, Cheesecake, Salad Dressing, etc...

Process:  Building a Batch Recipe is nearly the same as building a Recipe (plated menu item) - except, Batch Recipes require a YIELD ie:  # of certain size portions produced by recipe

Stacking Batch Recipes:  Batches may include one or more Batch Recipes (ie. Lasagna may include tomato sauce, cream sauce, house-made pasta - each a Batch Recipe if its own right)

INGREDIENTS TAB on Nav Bar > View Batch Recipes & Ingredients

• Batch Recipes
> review image, cost, cost per unit, yield, recipes using batch
> drop down actions:  download recipe card, archive, delete

• Custom Ingredients
 > review cost per unit & recipes using custom ingredients

• Sysco Products
> review SUPC, brand, cost per unit, recipes using Sysco ingredient

VIDEO - Ingredients Tab

TIP: Search Ingredients
> quick search for ingredients used in recipes in any category

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