In this article:
1. Overview
Tablevibe enables you to honor Person With Disability (PWD) and Senior Citizen (SC) discounts in the Philippines. Customers eligible for the discount simply upload a picture of their ID at checkout. After payment, your staff can check the validity of the ID before accepting the order.
By default, a 20% discount will be applied to the base price of the most expensive, single-serving product in the order (one product per order only). Product modifiers are included in the base price. The product will also be exempt from VAT. In addition, you can apply a PWD/SC discount cap per order or per product.
As an example, let’s assume a customer orders…:
1x Burger ₱100 + Extra Cheese ₱10 | ₱110
1x Burrito | ₱90
3x Salad | ₱85
The discount will be applied to the Burger as this is the most expensive single-serving product. The price of the product is ₱110, which consists of a base price of ₱98.21 and VAT of ₱11.78. The SC/PWD discount amounts to (₱98.21 x 20%) + ₱11.78 = ₱31.42
If needed, you can apply a PWD/SC discount cap per order or per product. For example, when you set this cap at ₱30, the total discount will be automatically adjusted from ₱31.42 to ₱30.
2. Activation
To activate this feature, please contact your account manager or email When doing so, please share if all or a selection of products should be marked as eligible for PWD/SC discounts. Once activated, you can set a discount cap per product via > Product > Edit pencil.
3. Customer Journey
Customers simply upload a picture of their PWD/SC ID at checkout. Phone number verification is required. Regular promo codes cannot be applied on top of PWD/SC discounts.
4. Default ID Verification and Ordering Process (no pre-registration)
Following payment, your staff can check PWD/SC details and accept or decline the order. If declined, customers will automatically receive an SMS message and refund.
PWD/SC discounts and exempted VAT amounts are displayed to your order logs available for download on
IDs will be deleted once the order is completed or canceled.
5. Using Senior Citizen/PWD pre-registrations (available for restaurants with more than 25 locations only)
Our pre-registration feature is requires customers to verify Senior Citizen/PWD ID card with your team before they can claim a Senior Citizen/PWD discounts in your shop. This feature is currently only available for restaurants with more than 25 locations.
5a. Setting up your preregistration form
1. Create a copy of this template (please do not adjust the original) and adjust the copy it if needed to suit your needs.
2. Share the link of your application form with your Tablevibe account manager or
3. Our team will review your form and approve it. Once done, it will appear on the checkout page of your shop.
5b. Pre-registration process
Customers click on 'fill out this form' on the checkout page of your shop.
You verify an email notification containing the customer details and ID card image.
Someone on your team will have to validate the registration.
If the customer is not approved, please inform them using this email template.
If the customer is approved, navigate to and search for the customer using their email address, phone number, or name. If the customer is not yet in the database, you can create a new entry.
Click on "PWD/SCD approved" and click "Save".
Once verified, the customer can claim Senior Citizen/PWD discount after login on the checkout page of your shop.
6. Frequently asked questions
6a. Can I auto-accept PWD/SC orders?
Yes. Orders with PWD/SC discounts will not change your default auto-accept behavior.
6b. Does the system remember users who already used a PWD/SC identification card?
No. Tablevibe deletes any ID data once an order has been completed or canceled. Users have to upload their PWD/SC card every time they place an order.
6c. Can the PWD/SC discount be used alongside other promo codes?
No. Users will have to choose between either applying a promo code or the PWD/SC discount. Using both at the same time will not be possible in this release.
6d. Can the PWD/SC discount be used alongside menu category discounts?
Yes, but please note that unlike promo codes, PWD/SC discounts will be applied on top of menu category discounts (e.g., 10% off the entire breakfast menu category). If you prefer to avoid this, we recommend either removing the menu category discount, adding the discount as a promo code, or marking the products in the discounted menu category as not eligible for SC/PWD discounts.
6e. Where can I see the total PWD/SC discounts granted? I need this for my tax declaration.
You can find this information in your order export. Simply go to , navigate to "All Orders" and download the “Order Export” file.
6f. Can I remove Products that are not eligible for PWD/SC discounts?
Yes. Please contact your account manager or email
6g. Are all products automatically marked as eligible for PWD/SC Discounts?
Yes. By default, all products will be marked as eligible. If needed, you can apply a PWD/SC discount cap per order or per product.
6h. Are PWD/SC discounts available in all types of webshops?
Yes. The feature can be used for dine-in, pickup and delivery orders.
6i. Can I use PWD/SC discounts with Guest Checkout?
Yes. However, login (phone number verification) will be required before the customer is allowed to apply to PWD/SC discount.
Do you have other questions or would you like to learn more about Tablevibe? Simply book a meeting with one of our restaurant experts here. You can also contact us via our chatbox or at We are looking forward to connecting with you.