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How do I read my QSEHRA Reimbursement Statement?

We'll walk you through how to read your Reimbursement Statement so you can reimburse your employees.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Take Command Health keeps track of the monthly premium payments and medical expenses employees have submitted for reimbursement. After claims are reviewed & approved, we report the final numbers to you on a Reimbursement Statement so that you can reimburse your employees directly. This will help protect your employee's privacy and save you time in tracking their expenses.

Each Reimbursement Statement will show you what employees are owed based on allowances & claims applied since the last report ran. 

Here is what your Reimbursement Statement will look like online:

Let's go over what type of reimbursements will fall in each category.

Taxable: This is the amount in submitted claims that is eligible for reimbursement through QSEHRA but must be reported as taxable. These are optional and you can choose whether or not to allow taxable reimbursements through your QSEHRA. If your plan does allow for taxable reimbursements, those only include premiums paid pre-tax through a spouse's group plan. This column will not appear on ICHRA reimbursement statements.

Tax-free: This is the amount in submitted claims that is eligible for tax-free reimbursement through QSEHRA! This includes premiums paid post tax & eligible medical expenses.

For more information on the reimbursement amount, click on the number in the "Total" field. 

Here's a few helpful definitions:

  • Current Allowance: this month’s allowance, applied on the 1st of each month.

  • Previous Allowance: unclaimed allowance from previous months or years (if applicable).

  • Total Allowance: Total allowance available for reimbursement this month.

  • Previous Unreimbursed Expenses: claims submitted before this month that have not yet been reimbursed

  • New Claims: claims submitted during this time frame.

  • Claims Subtotal: Total unreimbursed claims submitted to date.

  • Reimbursement Total: Amount to reimburse your employee. (if the employee's total allowance is less than the claims subtotal, then the reimbursement amount will = their total allowance)

For more details on your account year-to-date, check out the Reports section of your member portal. 

For additional reporting questions, e-mail or chat with us online, and we'd be happy to answer your specific questions!

Still not sure where to start? Check out our Admin Resource Center for more resources and support.

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