Welcome to the self-enrollment page for your Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) with Expanded AutoPay. Follow the steps below to easily enroll in your health plan outside of our internal platform.
The Expanded AutoPay feature ensures seamless payment processing directly to your health plan provider.
After you have selected your self-enroll plan:
Self-Enroll Plan Confirmation
If your selected plan is self-enrolled and your company uses AutoPay, the shopping screens will update accordingly.
Ensure the plan details are correct and match your selection.
Navigate to the carrier website to purchase your plan. You need to self-attest that you purchased this plan.
Payment Information
When viewing the self-enroll plan, please note that payment information will not be available immediately, it can take up to 2 minutes.
A spinner will indicate that the system is processing your enrollment.
Wait for the spinner to complete loading. This may take a few moments.
Use the 'paper' icon next to the bank account details to copy the full number. Use this number to set up payment with your insurance carrier on their site.
*Please do not set up payment with your own personal payment method!
When you select a self-enroll health plan, you will not be eligible to receive tax credits. Tax credits are only available for plans that are enrolled through our Easy Enroll option or other plans handled directly by our team. For self-enrolled plans, you must complete the purchase and handle all associated processes directly on the provider's website. This means that while you will have access to a range of plans, any available tax credits will not apply to plans purchased through self-enrollment.
Tax credits for health insurance are typically applied through plans purchased via a Health Insurance Marketplace or similar exchanges, where eligibility for credits is determined based on income and other factors.
5 Final Check
When you select a health plan, you will not be able to make changes after this point. This page is a double acknowledge stating that the employee cannot go back.
See also: Autopay Account details