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HRA Hub; Autopay Account details - Employee
HRA Hub; Autopay Account details - Employee
Jessica T avatar
Written by Jessica T
Updated over 4 months ago

The employee can access the AutoPay details in their employee portal.

Once you log in to your portal, in the right hand corner you should see your name and an icon with your initials. Click your name or icon and a drop down menu will appear.

You will need to select ‘Profile’ to view your profile page.

This page will show cards for relevant information like ‘About’ or ‘Contact.’

If your company is on AutoPay and you have completed shopping, then you should see your payment information for AutoPay.


You will see:

  • the status of your account as either Active or Pending

  • the bank name

  • the ability to reveal or copy and paste the payment details.

You can make use of the ‘eye’ icon to reveal payment details OR the ‘paper’ icon to copy the details in order to paste in another window.

The account is always in YOUR name. If you are asked about the billing address you should give your home address.

Statuses for Subaccounts

An active status means that the subaccount can received funds from the company's disbursement account and the carrier can debit funds from the account too.

If an account is frozen or closed, then you will see a ‘Pending’ status for the subaccount. While the copy paste and viewing features are available this does not mean the subaccount can be used. Money will no successfully move in or out of this account.

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