Invite Codes

Where do I find the 6 digit code for contacts to join my class?

Paige DeLozier avatar
Written by Paige DeLozier
Updated over a week ago

Share your invite codes with families, so they can join your TalkingPoints account. Follow these steps to access your invite codes on the computer and mobile app. 

On the web:

Step 1:  Go to your class list and click on 'Add Students'

Step 2: Select 'Invite by app code or SMS'

Step 3: Ask families to download the TalkingPoints for Families Mobile App and enter the code listed OR you can download the invite code letters with instructions to send home to families. The letter explains to families how the TalkingPoint app works and how to connect to your class in their home language via the app or SMS text.

On the mobile app:

Step 1: Go to add contacts (+) under Classes and select 'Invitation code'
Step 2: Ask families to enter the corresponding code in their Mobile App or to text the code for their preferred language to the phone number listed to join!

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