Adding a Group (School Teachers)

Learn how to create a group in your TalkingPoints account.

Paige DeLozier avatar
Written by Paige DeLozier
Updated over a week ago

You can easily add a new group to your account by following the steps below.

Create the group:

Step 1: Click on "Classes & Groups".

Step 2: Click "Add Group".

Step 3: Type in the name of your new group.

Step 4: Click "Create".

Add Students to your group:

Please note: you will only see the option to manually add students if your school or district has given you permission to "manually add students". If not, you will only be able to add existing students to a group.

Click "Add Students".

To manually add students:

Step 1: Select the option to manually add students.

Step 2: Select the school that the student(s) belong to.

Proceed to step 3a to manually enter student(s), or 3b to copy and paste from a spreadsheet.


Step 3a: Enter the necessary information.

Step 4a: Click "Add".


Download the courtesy spreadsheet template of your choice and populate with your student and contact data, or create your own with the appropriate column headers.

Step 3b: Copy the rows of data (excluding the header row) and paste the information into the "Student Name" cell.

Step 4b: Click "Add".

To add Existing Students:

Step 1: Select "Add Existing Students".

Step 2: Select the students you would like to add.

Step 3: Click "Add".

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