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Mark Manually Added Students as an ELL Student: School and District Partners
Mark Manually Added Students as an ELL Student: School and District Partners

Users can mark any manually added students as an ELL student in TalkingPoints web.

Kevin Chavez avatar
Written by Kevin Chavez
Updated over a week ago

District admins, school admins, and teachers can mark any manually added students as an "ELL" student in the TalkingPoints web. This data will then be populated into their analytics dashboards so they can also see the breakdown of engagement by student type. See the following instructions for how to update ELL status in student detail screen below both individually and on a mass scale.

**Please note that when manually adding a student, you can mark them as ELL upon filling out their profile.

Teacher Web (Both Individual and School Accounts)

Below are the steps to mark a student as an ELL both individually and in mass.


  1. Open up class and click the 3 dots by the student's name.

2. Click "mark student as ELL" and click "yes" to confirm.

Mass Mark

1. Click the box besides "first name," which will autofill all boxes in the class. Then click "Mark as ELL."

2. Click "yes" to confirm.

School Admin Web

Below are the steps to mark a student as an ELL both individually and in mass.


  1. Open up class and click the 3 dots by the student's name.

2. Click "yes" to confirm.

Mass Mark

1. Click the box besides "first name," which will autofill all boxes in the class. Then click "Mark as ELL."

2. Click "yes" to confirm.

District Admin Web

Below are the steps to mark a student as ELL individually in a district account.

**Please note: Because there are thousands of students in district admin accounts, a "select all" option isn't available in that menu.


1. Click on student's individual profile.

2. Update ELL status in student detail screen.

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