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Email Campaigns

Learn how to get started with email campaigns and get answers for the FAQs

Email Automation

Get to know how to setup and leverage automation workflows for user activities on your store

Email Templates

Understand how to best configure emails to make the most of your campaign and automation

SMS Marketing

Detailed information on setting up SMS in the marketing journey

Signup Forms

Learn how to configure and use signup forms as pop up or embeds in the store

List & Segments

Learn how to get started and effectively configure lists and segments

BayEngage Settings

Understand the settings available in BayEngage and its configuration

Media Library

Learn how to leverage media library images that can be used in email and SMS


Understand how coupon works and learn how to use them in the campaigns and automation flows

Ecommerce Integration

Quick guide to setting up ecommerce store integration with BayEngage

Zapier Integration

Integration guide to commonly used ecommerce apps and BayEngage via Zapier

Recharge Integration

Detailed guide on how to leverage the native integration of BayEngage with RechargePayments

Email Marketing Updates

Latest generic updates about email marketing and SMS marketing

3rd Party Integrations

Integrate your favorite apps in single-click

Onboarding & Setup

Migrate to TargetBay hassle-free