BayEngage now supports Bolt Checkout integration for BigCommerce and Magento platforms. This means that store owners using Bolt Checkout in their BigCommerce or Magento stores can now track their checkout events within BayEngage. This integration ensures that checkout-related automations and analytics function accurately, helping store owners optimize their marketing campaigns.
Like other integrations, the Bolt integration is now available on the Apps page. Users can enable it from the Apps page.
Enabling Bolt Checkout Integration in BayEngage
Follow these steps to enable Bolt Checkout integration in BayEngage:
Log in to your BayEngage account.
Go to the Apps page.
βLocate the Bolt Integration in the Apps section.
βClick Install and then enable the Bolt Checkout Tracking toggle button to activate Bolt Checkout tracking.
Once enabled, BayEngage will start tracking checkout events for your store. This will allow for better automation and reporting on abandoned checkouts.
Benefits of using Bolt Checkout integration
Enabling Bolt Checkout integration in BayEngage provides several benefits, including:
Enhanced Tracking: Checkout events from Bolt-enabled stores are now accurately captured in BayEngage.
Improved Automations: Create abandoned cart and checkout recovery email sequences based on real-time data.
Better Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of your customers' checkout behavior to refine marketing strategies.
By integrating Bolt Checkout with BayEngage, you can ensure seamless checkout tracking and improve your email marketing effectiveness, leading to higher conversions and better customer engagement.