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How Does Automation Work In BayEngage?[Everything You Need To Know]
How Does Automation Work In BayEngage?[Everything You Need To Know]

Automation On BayEngage

Danielle From BayEngage avatar
Written by Danielle From BayEngage
Updated over a week ago


Automation is an automated email that triggers when a user takes a particular action in your store. Automated emails essentially help in engaging your customers and drive conversions.

For instance, if a user signs up, triggering an automated welcome email can help you introduce the customer to your products, offers, and make them feel welcome.

In another scenario, if a user adds items to the cart and leaves the store without making a purchase, an automated abandoned cart email can be triggered to nudge them to complete the purchase.

BayEngage has automation recipes for common eCommerce use cases.

Automation Features in BayEngage

Here’s a quick overview of the automation features in BayEngage:

Delay: Set a time delay between an event/action to send an email. For example, you can set a time delay of one day to trigger an abandoned cart email when a user performs the action of leaving items in the cart

Email: Set up an email trigger based on an activity or time delay. For example, you can customize a welcome email template on BayEngage and set up an automation for it to be triggered 2 minutes (time delay) after a user signs up (action)

User Filter: With user filters, you can set up workflows based on the customers’ past behavior. For example, you can set up a user filter to send emails to the list of users who did “Not Place An Order” for a while(Days/Month/Year)

  • Activity Filter:

Add filters based on the people you want to include, the cart value, and several other data points.

  • Reports:

You can view the metrics of each action performed by end-users in the “View Report”

How To Create Your First Automation?

  1. Click on the “Automation” option

2. Next, click on the “Create automation” button

3. Give your automation a nice title and choose a recipe (choose from the options: Checkout Abandonment Recovery, Win back your customers, etc).

Click on “create” to create the automation.

4. You will now be taken to the workflow screen where you can set the actions that you want. All you have to do is simply Drag and Drop the actions you like to add.

Actions have two elements: Email and Delay which are completely editable.

5. Actions have two elements - Email and Delay that enables you to edit the timing and the email subject, preview text, and the template

Once you set the time delay and the email content, you can now go ahead with the activation.

6. To activate the automation, click on the toggle button near Automation status to set it to “active”.

7. You will now be asked to review your automation to activate the flow.

Make sure you connect to your Shopify Store and click on “Save”.

Once the flow is activated, the automation status turns active.

Set active makes the automation LIVE (active), which means it triggers email as per the flow.

Set inactive makes the automation Inactive, which means all actions in the flow are paused.

To view the report of the flow, click on “View Report”. You can track all the key metrics in the “Flow report”.

On the automation listing page, you can see the list of automation created.

Use Cases

  • Welcome Series

    You can automate welcome emails to welcome new users who signed up via popup.

  • Cart Abandonment Recovery

    Recover users who abandon their cart via exit-intent detection popup

  • Checkout Abandonment Recovery

    Recover users who abandon the checkout page after starting the checkout

  • Post-purchase

    You can automate emails after your customer completes a purchase. This can be triggered to tap into cross-selling and upsell opportunities

  • Win back

    Automate emails to inactive customers and pique their interest with content, offers, and pricing based on their order history.

  • Order confirmation

    Trigger order confirmation emails with the order confirmation email recipe on BayEngage. Assure your customers about their order, share details, and build a great shopping experience

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