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How to use and promote coupons on BayEngage

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Written by TargetBay Ecommerce Experts
Updated over a week ago

With BayEngage, you can promote your unique and static discount codes through email marketing and drive more conversions.

This article will walk you through:

  1. How to create a coupon

    1. What is a Static coupon and how to create it?

    2. What is a Dynamic coupon and how to create it?

Note: You have to install the BayEngage app for your store to create a coupon. Make sure that you integrate your store account with the BayEngage app before getting started.

How to create a coupon?

I. Creating a Static Coupon

  1. Login to your BayEngage account and head over to the “Coupons” tab and click on “Create a coupon”.

2. You will now see an option to import the static and dynamic coupons that you have set in your store.

Click on "Import static/dynamic coupons manually"

3. Now, give your coupon a title. This is only for your reference, so make sure that it’s recognizable.

Before we move on to the next step, here’s a quick brief of Static and Dynamic coupons.

What is a Static coupon?

A static coupon is a standardized code that is given to all customers. All customers will be using the same code at the checkout to avail their offers, discounts, free shipping, or any other perks that you set.

What is a Dynamic coupon?

Dynamic coupons are distinct and unique codes. Each unique coupon code will be distributed in every email that is sent.

4. If you want to implement a static coupon, then, make sure that you give the exact coupon code in the field.

5. The next step is to set the time period for which you want these coupons to be active.

You can either choose to set a time period for your coupon or set your coupon to be active forever, in which case, these will be issued until you run out of stock.

You can set an end date for your coupons which means when this criterion is met, the coupon will expire.

6. Once you are done filling out all the information, you can now click on “Create”.

7. Now, copy your coupon code and click on “Continue”.

8. You can now use this coupon code in your flow emails.

Note: You can simply paste the copied code anywhere on your email.

9. You can also get a complete view of the coupon that was issued, not issued, and claimed. Just click on the coupon you created and you will be able to see the status.

II. Creating a Dynamic Coupon

  1. Login to your BayEngage account and head over to the “Coupons” tab and click on “Create coupon”.

2. You will now see an option to import the static and dynamic coupons that you have set in your store. Click on it.

3. Now, give your coupon a title. This is only for your reference, so make sure that it’s recognizable.

4. By default, the static coupon option will be selected. Make sure that you click on the Dynamic coupon option.

5. Now, upload a CSV file containing the dynamic coupon codes (you can also find a handy sample on the BayEngage app if you want to experiment).

Note: Only the first column will be considered for the upload and the other columns are not required. Also, make sure that the first row of the first column is the header and does not contain any codes (as it won’t be considered).

  1. The next step is to set the time period for which you want these coupons to be active.

You can either choose to set a time period for your coupon or set your coupon to be active forever, in which case, these will be issued until you run out of stock.

You can set an end date for your coupon which means when this criterion is met, the coupon will expire.

7. Once you are done filling out all the information, you can now click on “Create”.

8. Now, copy your coupon code and click on “Continue”.

9. You can now use this coupon in your flow emails.

10. You can also get a complete view of the coupon codes that were issued, not issued, and claimed. Just click on the coupon you created and you will be able to see the status.

What next?

  1. You can change the expiry of the campaigns at any time. Click on the “Change expiry” option below the Issue status

2. You can either end the campaign or change the end date.

3. You can also view details about your campaign - see data about coupons issued, not issued, and claimed.

Click on the “view details” option”.

You can view the details here (see screenshot below):


At any point during the course of your campaign, if you want to add more dynamic coupons, you can always refill them.

  1. Click on your campaign.

  2. Choose the refill option

3. Upload a CSV file with a new set of codes and click on update.

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