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How To Set Up Reorder Automation Workflow?
How To Set Up Reorder Automation Workflow?
Danielle From BayEngage avatar
Written by Danielle From BayEngage
Updated over a week ago

In this article we are going to discuss how to set up a reorder flow that can nurture customers at different points in their life cycles if you're selling products that your customers purchase repeatedly within a certain timeframe. By reviewing your existing customer purchase data, you can determine the established buying cycles of your customers and products, then set up a reorder flow to target purchasers with a friendly and well-timed reminder.

Follow the below steps to create your reorder automation workflow

  1. Please click on the Automations menu on your left hand side.

2. You can start creating a new automation by clicking on the Create Automation option on the top right side.

3. From the list of automations available, please click the Reorder Products automation.

4. You can give an Automation Title and click on Create.

5. You'll be prompted to a Reorder notification automation workflow.

6. You can further streamline the workflow using the “Activity filter” or “User filter”. For instance, the trigger can be based on order fulfillment or based on the time period when a customer needs to be informed with a reorder notification.

7. You can edit the First name, From and To Email address, Subject line, and Preview text fields in your email.

8. Click the "Edit Template" button to customize your email template. Hit “Save” to update the changes.

9. Use the drag-and-drop editor to design your template. When you're finished making changes, click "Save" and it'll take you back to your automation workflow

10. Use the time delay option to leave appropriate intervals between each sequence. Drag it from the right and place it in “DROP HERE”. You can also specify your recipient's time zone to ensure the email arrives at any time. And then click “Save.”

11. You can also add further follow-up Emails and SMS by dragging and dropping Email or SMS from the Actions on the right-hand side menu in the “DROP HERE” box.

To activate your workflow:

Now that you've created your workflow click the "Set all Active" button at the top right of the screen. You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to activate the action. Once you click on Active, your automation gets activated.

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