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How to Set Up Transactional Email on BayEngage?
How to Set Up Transactional Email on BayEngage?
Danielle From BayEngage avatar
Written by Danielle From BayEngage
Updated over a week ago

Keep your customer posted when your subscribers make a purchase or interact with your brand using transitional email.

Difference between Transactional email and Marketing email :

It's crucial to distinguish between transactional and marketing emails, even though a customer's action may trigger both. Generally, an email that delivers necessary information to a customer without attempting to drive sales is classified as a transactional email.

In this help article, we will cover how to enable transactional email for BayEngage automations

Users can send timely updates to customers based on the scenarios with BayEngage's prebuilt and custom Transactional email automations.

Here is the list of prebuilt and personalized Transactional email automations available with BayEngage:

  1. Order confirmation notification: Keep your buyers posted with timely notification after order confirmation.

  2. Order fulfillment delay notification: Keep your customers posted by sending timely updates in case of delay in processing the order.

  3. Retrieve failed payments: Recover failed payments with less hassle by reaching your customer on time.

To setup transactional email:

  1. Login to BayEngage.

  2. Select Automations from the left-hand side menu on BayEngage’s dashboard.

  3. Then click the Create Automation button on the top right-hand side of the screen.


Click here to learn more about how to create an email automation

4. Select transactional email automation from the list of automation available.

5. Click on the Edit icon from the email automation flow to customize the email template.

6. Enable the slider button to activate the Transactional Email.


  • After enabling the option, the transactional email template will be reviewed by BayEngage’s admin for promotional/marketing free content.

  • In the event that you make alterations to the approved transactional email, BayEngage's admin team will conduct a fresh review of the email template. If any promotional or marketing content is identified, the template will be rejected.

  • Transactional emails will be sent to all your customers, regardless of email subscription status.

7. After making the necessary changes click on the option Set All Active to enable the automation.

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