Add New Coupons

Add new coupons to encourage customers to write product reviews.

Danielle Fietkau avatar
Written by Danielle Fietkau
Updated over a week ago

Coupons provide incentives to customers for new purchase orders placed on your store. In today’s world, coupons play a significant role in your marketing strategy. 

Add new coupons to your TargetBay account. 

Select Settings ---> Coupon Manager ---> Add New Coupon

TargetBay doesn't generate coupons. You have to create coupons and add it to your account in TargetBay. Coupons can be static or dynamic. You can add new coupons to encourage your shoppers or customers to write product reviews and brand reviews.

Coupon creation involves adding the following fields:

  1. TargetBay Coupon Title

  Every coupon should have a title. This title makes it easy to identify the coupons.

   2. Status

Status is of two types - active and inactive. Active coupons are available now whereas inactive coupons are not available and are not sent to customers for redemption.

   3. Notification For Coupon Refill (%)

This is the percentage limit set to refill your site with new coupons. Whenever the available number of coupons goes below a threshold limit, this notification is sent to you. Based on the coupons available, you can refill and add more coupons into your TargetBay coupon manager.

For example, if you have set 80% as coupon refill rate and have added 100 coupons, then you will get a notification whenever 80 coupons are redeemed or expired. This helps you to provide continuous discounts to customers through coupons.

    4. Coupon Expiration

Expiry date is a date on which your coupon’s validity comes to an end. There are two different types - coupons with expiry date and coupons without expiry date. Coupons without expiry date continue to remain valid till customers use it. Whereas, coupons with an expiry date can only be redeemed before the mentioned expiry date. Beyond that date, it becomes invalid and is of no use to the customer.

    5.  Coupon Type

TargetBay offers two different types of coupons to incentivize your customers - static and dynamic coupons.

Static Coupon vs Dynamic Coupons:

Static Coupon is a single fixed coupon code which can be sent to multiple customers. The same coupon code can be used by different customers to avail discount on orders.

Dynamic Coupons are unique codes created and sent to customers. These codes can be redeemed only once. Once it is redeemed, it can’t be used by other customers.

You can generate dynamic coupon codes and upload it into TargetBay’s system through a CSV file. Please check the CSV file format and upload all the coupon codes with the specified format. Once it is uploaded and verified, it is updated in TargetBay’s coupon system.

Dynamic Coupon 

     6.  Coupon Code

Coupon Code is the secret code used by customers to redeem the coupon and avail discounts. This remains the same for static coupons whereas for dynamic coupons, the code is unique for every coupon that is available.

To understand how to set up coupons for email after shipment, please click here

  • If you're on Shopify, you can learn more about coupon integration for Shopify reviews app here.

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