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Using Tarjimly as a Translator

Translating for Humanitarian Workers and Refugees

Tarjimly avatar
Written by Tarjimly
Updated over 6 months ago

Get started by downloading the app and then follow the steps outlined in this video.

1. To begin, you should complete your Translator profile and allow the correct permissions and push notifications so you can be notified when someone needs translation help

2. On the Translator homepage, you can see the number of sessions you have completed, update your profile and settings, check out our FAQs, head to the training centre and contact support and well as reading stories about our impact.

4. By completing the in-app training you can improve your chances of being matched. Our data shows that translators who complete our training are often given a better rating from the person seeking language assistance. This means you are more likely to qualify for a certificate, letter of recommendation and LinkedIn endorsement as well as providing a higher quality of service to those that need it most. You can read more about the benefits of volunteering with Tarjimly in this article.

5. You will receive a notification when someone needs help with your languages - if you are the first translator to accept, you will be connected in a chat conversation and we ask for microphone permission so you can start a call. In a conversation, you can send text, voice notes, pictures, documents and get on an internet call. You may also end up in a 3-way call as our Premium subscribers have access to that feature.

6. Once finished, select end conversation and provide feedback - this helps us with data and quality control. You can see the number of sessions you have completed on your home page and the people you have connected with in the sessions tab.

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