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How to translate documents on Tarjimly
How to translate documents on Tarjimly
Tarjimly avatar
Written by Tarjimly
Updated over 5 months ago

At Tarjimly, we're aware that sometimes getting documents translated in app can be a lengthy process and that our translators would often prefer to work on translating longer texts on their computer. Since it is against Tarjimly policy to share personal contact information on the app due to safety reasons, here are your options to carry out document translations off-app.

1) Google Doc Link (or other online document links)

Create a Google document (or another online document) and send a link to the document via the Tarjimly chat. Then, please share editable access to the document with the translator. Follow the steps below to do that:

  • Open Google Drive and create a new document, or upload a document from your computer or mobile device

  • Press the "Share" button, and in the "Get link" section, press the "Change" button

  • Make sure the section "Anyone with this link" is given "Editor" access

  • Copy the link created, and paste it into the Tarjimly chat

  • This gives the translator the possibility to edit the document directly. Please inform them if they should write the translated text below or replace the text in the document.

Remember that the Tarjimly chat closes after 12 hours of inactivity. You can keep the session open by writing a message every 12 hours.

Access can be removed immediately after the translation is complete.
​2) Copy and paste the text into the Tarjimly chat
Copy and paste individual paragraphs into the Tarjimly chat for it to be translated one by one. You can then manually copy and paste the text into your document.

We recommend that you copy and paste the individual paragraphs rather than the document to make it easier for the translator to read the text, and understand which paragraph requires translation.

3) Turn photos into documents

If the translator has sent you photos of the finished translation, or you only have a physical copy of your document that requires translation, there is a way to turn the photo into a document with editable text.

Please note that this only works if the original photo has typed, not handwritten text, and if the photo is of good quality (enough to clearly distinguish the letters and words). The photo-to-file conversion can work for various languages, including Arabic, French, Persian (Farsi), Pashto, Spanish, etc.

To carry out this process, you need to:

  1. Go to your Google Drive on your computer

  2. Upload the photo/file

  3. Right-click on the desired file in the Google Drive

  4. Click "Open with" and then "Google Docs"

This will convert the image into a Google document, from which you can send a sharable link to a translator, or you can copy and paste the text. It's always best to review the document to ensure that there are no mistakes. For translated documents, you can request the translator to proofread the document to ensure that it is accurate.
For more information, please follow this link:

We hope you have a great experience using the Tarjimly mobile app!

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