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Tarjimly Premium
Tarjimly Premium: Sign up and FAQs
Tarjimly Premium: Sign up and FAQs
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Written by Tarjimly
Updated over a week ago

How can I sign up for Premium?

  1. You'll need to have a Tarjimly account before you can upgrade to Premium. If you don't have an account yet, download the Tarjimly app, and sign up (instructional video on how to sign up here). Make sure to verify your email.

  2. Go to our Premium dashboard and log in with your Tarjimly email and password

  3. Add your email address into the "Add user" box and click the "Add user" button

  4. If you want to upgrade additional accounts, or to sign up other users instead of yourself, you can add them one at a time in the "add user" box, and press "add user"

  5. Click continue.

  6. You'll be taken to the Stripe checkout page where you can enter your payment details

  7. You'll be charged monthly, until you cancel

I want to sign up my team members for Premium and I want to manage their subscriptions. How can I do that?

Follow the instructions on how to sign up to Premium above. After logging in, just add your team members emails into the "Add user" box, instead of your own email address.

Remember that all the emails you want to upgrade to Premium must have already created a Tarjimly account.

How can I cancel my subscription?

  1. Log in to the Tarjimly Premium dashboard with your Tarjimly email and password

  2. Click on the "bin" icon next to the email you want to cancel the subscription for

  3. Press "continue" to complete the cancellation.

If you're not confident about cancelling your subscription correctly, please reach out to us at and we'll be happy to cancel on your behalf.

How can I change the account manager for my team's subscriptions?

Please contact us at with the current account manager email, and the email you want to become the new account manager. The account manager must be connected to a Tarjimly account, so make sure to create an account on the app first.

How do I get my invoices?

For every payment you'll receive an email receipt from Stripe. Contained within the email, there will be a link to your invoice.

If you can't find a specific invoice, please contact us at or in-app.

How can I change my payment method?

Please contact us at or in-app. We'll send you a unique link where you can update your payment information directly.

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