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How to Create a Contact Form

Learn how to use Táve's built in contact form to create new leads

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over 11 months ago

Táve gives you the ability to create contact forms that you can add to your website to capture new Leads.

Let's build a contact form together!

In Settings › Contact Forms, click the button that says "New Contact Form"

On the next page, we'll name our contact form, set the direct URL, give the page a title, add an intro message, and configure the fields.

There are a few things we should look at here before we move on to configuring the fields. First off, let's explore setting the Job Type. Above we have the Job Type 'Determined by the "Job Type" field' below. That means that the person filling out the contact form will choose from a list of Job Types. This is perfect if you only want to have one contact form on your website for everything. However, since you can create as many contact forms as you'd like, you can set up the Job Type to be something specific and give it a specific URL.

Similarly for Job Role of New Contact, you can leave this as 'Determined by the "Job Role" field' to allow your client to select from a list of available Job Roles, or set this to a specific Job Role so new leads always use this Job Role for the contact.

Next, we'll edit the fields we want to have displayed on our contact form. Notice there's an option field for Source. Those are your lead sources (where your leads are coming from). Learn more about customizing your lead sources here.

Next, set up what you want to have happen After Submission

Click Save & Continue at the top!

Viewing Your Contact Form

If you want to view your form, you simply need to copy and paste the direct URL into your browser or click the link button next to the direct URL: 

That's it!  You've created your first Táve contact form 🎉🎉🎉

Next, learn about adding new fields to your contact form and embedding it into your website:

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