A teacher can choose commonly used lesson structures providing a flexible framework to suit diverse teaching styles and learning needs. A teacher can also set the default length of the lessons. You can do that for the entire classroom within Manage->Classroom or change the template any time you want in the Plan and Teach section. Click on Choose Template to select any lesson structure. Pick the length of the lesson and edit any section, or add new sections. Here are all of the templates available within Teachally:
Custom: Create a custom lesson plan schema to tailor educational strategies to fit the unique needs and learning styles of your students.
Traditional: Traditional lesson planning involves a structured approach with clear objectives, engaging introductions, direct instruction, guided and independent practice, differentiated instruction, and meaningful assessment and closure, catering to diverse student needs and learning styles.
5-E Model: The 5-E Model emphasizes engaging students, exploring concepts hands-on, explaining topics in detail, elaborating through application in new contexts, and evaluating understanding, promoting active learning and inquiry.
SIOP Model: SIOP focuses on preparing lessons with clear objectives, building background knowledge, ensuring comprehensible input, utilizing effective strategies, encouraging interaction, applying concepts, delivering engaging lessons, and reviewing and assessing understanding, especially for English Language Learners.
Problem-Based Learning (PBL): PBL involves scenario setup, guiding students through research and inquiry, developing solutions to real-world problems, presentation of findings, and reflection, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Flipped Classroom Model: This model involves students learning new content at home and applying knowledge through interactive in-class activities, emphasizing active learning, student engagement, and continuous assessment.
Montessori Approach (For Younger Students): Description: Montessori education focuses on creating a prepared environment, offering choice of work, defining the teacher's role as a guide, providing hands-on materials and activities, and ongoing observation and record-keeping, emphasizing child-led learning.
Understanding by Design (UbD) Framework: UbD involves planning lessons by first determining desired results, then establishing assessment evidence, and finally creating a learning plan, emphasizing backward design and focused instructional planning.
Differentiated Instruction Model: Differentiated instruction tailors content, process, product, and learning environment to meet the diverse needs of students, emphasizing flexible teaching strategies and personalized learning experiences.
Inquiry-Based Learning Model: Inquiry-based learning starts with posing questions or problems, encouraging students to form initial hypotheses, conduct research and investigation, and present conclusions, fostering curiosity and critical thinking.
Project Based Learning (PBL) Model: PBL focuses on student-driven projects involving planning, research, creating products, and presentation with reflection, emphasizing real-world relevance and collaborative learning.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Framework: UDL addresses learner variability by providing multiple means of engagement, representation, action, and expression, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in lesson planning.
Hybrid Learning Model: Hybrid learning combines online instruction with in-person activities, utilizing digital and classroom environments effectively for diverse learning experiences and assessment methods.
Gamification in Education: Gamification in education incorporates game-based learning objectives, game mechanics, player journey, and feedback and assessment to make learning engaging, interactive, and motivational.
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Culturally responsive teaching includes cultural relevance in content, cultural competence in delivery, and critical consciousness, acknowledging students' cultural backgrounds and promoting inclusivity.
STEAM: STEAM integrates interdisciplinary connections, hands-on activities, and creative expression, blending scientific, technological, engineering, artistic, and mathematical concepts for holistic education.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Bloom's Taxonomy involves planning lessons that encompass remembering and understanding basic concepts, applying and analyzing knowledge, and evaluating and creating for higher-order thinking.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): SEL focuses on developing self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship skills, supporting students' emotional intelligence and interpersonal competencies.
Outdoor Education: Outdoor education emphasizes nature connection, environmental awareness, and physical activity, offering experiential learning opportunities in natural settings.
Language Immersion: Language immersion plans include developing language skills, cultural exposure, and practical language application, immersing students in a foreign language environment for proficiency.
21st-Century Skills: 21st-Century skills lesson plans involve critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, equipping students with essential skills for modern challenges and opportunities.
Maker Education: Maker education encompasses design thinking, hands-on maker projects, and reflective practice, promoting creativity, innovation, and practical problem-solving skills.
Integrative Learning: Integrative learning focuses on cross-disciplinary themes, real-world application, and reflective synthesis, connecting various subjects and practical experiences for comprehensive understanding.
Danielson Model: The Danielson Model involves meticulous planning and preparation, creating a positive classroom environment, delivering effective instruction, and upholding professional responsibilities, aiming for comprehensive and effective teaching practices.