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Written by Daniel Bernstein
Updated over a week ago

Teachally integrates with Quizizz. It's easy, just follow these 6 simple steps. It's a piece of cake:

1. Click the "+ Create" button in Quizizz

Click the + Create button.png

2. Select the Assessment option

Quizziz 2.png

3. Click the "Import worksheets/questions" button

Quizizz 3.png

4. In Teachally, export your assignment as a PDF - No Answer Key

Quizizz 4.png

5. Drag and drop your exported assignment into Quizizz

Quizizz 5 (1).png

6. Click the Generate quiz button...

Quizizz 6.png

... and you're done! Now you can publish the quiz in Quizziz and share it with your students.

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