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Guidelines to import Student Roster
Ihab Bayomi avatar
Written by Ihab Bayomi
Updated over a week ago

Most of our teachers might already have a list for their students, So TeacherKit can fasten the process of entering a student name by name by importing the file once.

Roster files can be imported as .csv (without student photos) or .zip (with student photos).

Here is a template you can use to fill your data and import it into TeacherKit.

There are some basics you need to know about the file that you will import:

  • The first line (header) of the file should have specific column names (to exactly match it with TeacherKit database of adding a student).Here are TeacherKit column names:FirstName,LastName,Code,Phone,Email,SkypeID,ParentName,ParentPhone,ParentEmail,ParentSkypeID,Notes,Photo

  • FirstName and LastName are mandatory, so in the roster itself the remaining fields could be left empty.

  • You can even remove the headers that you don't need and only keep FirstName,LastName.

  • If there are any custom fields put it after LastName.

If you want to import your data without photos, your .csv file will be enough, but in case you want to import also the students' photos you need to know the below:

  • Add Photofield after LastName

  • Write the photo name as follows “filename.filetype” (i.e.“photo1.png”)

  • After saving the file, compress it with the photos together to .zip (this zip file should contain the csv and photos with same name entered in the csv file.

Once your files are ready and created, this article will help you learn How to import my data in TeacherKit


  • Supported photos types: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp

  • The names are case sensitive, if your filename is photo3.JPG but you are writing it in the file as photo3.jpg, TeacherKit will not be able to relate the file name unless it is the same as in the file, and in this case, the photo will not be imported

  • As for the e-mail field, either you write a valid e-mail (i.e. X@y.z) or leave it empty without any text in it. Avoid text like ("N/A", "none" or "@gmail" without the ".com")

  • TeacherKit accepts only csv or zip files.

  • If importing “Student Roster” twice students with the same name will be merged.

  • You can use these templates to fill your data and import it into TeacherKit.


  • For PC users, View and edit your file in notepad or any plain text editor and make sure that all records have all the commas like the header example.

  • For Mac users, you can view and edit your data on any text editor, and for PC users we recommend using notepad++ to view and edit your CSV files.

  • If your problem still exists, that might be a format error of the file, kindly send it to us at and we will gladly help you fix it.

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