Hello, Teacher! 💙
Ready to create your first exercise list? Let's get started, it's super easy!
Here's a shortcut to create lists on Teachy along with a step-by-step guide.
1. Access Assessments:
In the homepage, click in Create Assignments and after Quiz
2. Define the Details:
Number of Questions: Decide how many questions you want to include.
Difficulty: Choose the difficulty level. Teachy will adjust the list to include both easier and more difficult questions around the chosen difficulty.
Type of Questions: Indicate if you want essay questions, multiple choice, or both.
Source of Questions: Select where the questions will come from: previous exams, Teachy's original creations, or contributions from other teachers.
3. Edit Your List Anytime:
Find More Questions: If you need more options, use the "Add Questions" function to add new personalized items to your list.
Modify Questions: You can turn an objective question into an essay question or vice versa, delete questions, or report issues directly through the "Options" button on each question.
Reorganize Questions: To change the order, click and drag the desired question using the hand icon over the six indicative dots.
After click in Save (in a New Lesson or Existing one), you can download or share with your students
That's it!
By following these simple steps, you will quickly create a complete exercise list ready to be shared with your students.