Hello, Teacher! 💙
Creating a writing assignment in Teachy is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to effectively assess your students' writing skills.
Let’s go through each step so you can start creating customized essay assignments right away!
Step 1: Access the Essay Creation Tool
On Teachy’s home screen, click "Create Assignments", then select "Essay".
Step 2: Initial Essay Setup
A new screen will appear:
Here, you can:
Choose the theme of the essay.
Select the essay type and provide context.
Allow (or restrict) access for other teachers to use this content.
Step 3: Define Evaluation Criteria
Set the evaluation criteria and assign points for each one to ensure a clear and objective assessment.
Modify Criteria: Adjust or remove criteria using the fields below the description.
Change Criteria Weight: Set how many points each criterion is worth by adjusting the field next to it.
Step 5: Finalize and Distribute
After setting up the essay and evaluation criteria, click "Save". Then, choose whether to save it in a new lesson or an existing one.
Now, you can decide how to distribute the essay:
Download: Save the essay file for manual distribution.
Assign Online: Allow students to complete the essay directly on the platform.
All set! With these steps, you can create well-structured essays and fairly and effectively assess your students' writing skills.
Enjoy your lesson, Teacher! 😊