Steps to Publish a Shift:
Navigate to your Scheduling Table and notice all shifts will appear grey to represent they are drafts.
Next Select Publish all, this will bring up your publishing options where you can select the Date Range & Notification Options.
You can Select a Start Day by clicking on the date on the Calander and the End Date on the Calander to determine the range of shifts you would like to publish.
You can select the Check Boxes to the right of Notify By SMS, Notify By Email, and Notify By Push Notification to automatically notify each shift assigned once the schedule has been published.
Lastly, select Publish Shifts and all shifts that have been published will now display in color to indicate the status change on the calendar.
Published Shift Notifications:
After publishing a shift and selecting Notify By Email users will receive an email with the following notification alerting them, that they have been assigned to a shift. (Please note this email will be sent to the user's email from their profile.)
2. After publishing a shift and selecting Notify By Push Notification users will receive a push notification once they have installed and logged into the TeamBridge app on their mobile device.
3. After publishing a shift and selecting Notify By SMS users will receive an SMS notification to their phone number that is entered from their user profile.