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Archiving Headcount

How to archive a headcount and what it means for your hiring plan

Alayna Kolb avatar
Written by Alayna Kolb
Updated over a year ago

As time passes and the needs of the business change, sometimes headcount is no longer required. However, if needs changed once they can change twice, so in this situation it's better not to delete the headcount entirely but to archive it instead.

TeamOhana has introduced a workflow called "archive headcount" which functions like a soft-delete feature, removing the headcount from your hiring plan but preserving its details just in case it needs to be unarchived at a later date. Note that archiving the headcount also deletes it from the plan and variance calculation, effectively treating it as though it never existed.

Both archiving and un-archiving headcount are permissions that can be added to the relevant user roles. We recommend enabling this permission for administrators, department and division leaders, hiring managers, and recruiting leads.

How to archive headcount

When a headcount needs to be removed from the hiring plan (due to a typo, error, or duplication), locate it on the hiring plan and click the job title to open the headcount details drawer. In the top right corner of the drawer, next to the approval chain, you will see three dots that you can click to bring up the "Archive headcount" option.

When you click this button, you will be asked to confirm that you would in fact like to archive this headcount. You also have the option to leave a note as to why the headcount is being archived.

You have the option to immediately unarchive the headcount if you need to undo the action.

Implications of archiving headcount

Archiving a headcount, for all intents and purposes, functions the same as deleting the headcount, except all of its details are preserved in case it needs to be unarchived at a later date.

This means that if a recruiter is assigned to the headcount, they will be unassigned. If a job, opening, offer and/or employee are linked to the headcount, they will all be unlinked. The headcount will be deleted from the plan and variance calculation as if it never existed. That means that the cost of the headcount will be deducted from the hiring plan and all forecasts.

How to locate archived headcount

Archived headcount will be stored in the Requests page, and can be restored to 'active' at any time by any user with the proper permissions. The "Archived" pill will take you to a list of all archived headcount that your permissions and ABAC enable you to view.

To restore headcount to its active state, click the check box next to the job information and click the orange "Unarchive" button.

When headcount is unarchived, it will reappear in your Requests tab as a proposed request. That means that it will need to be resubmitted and go through the entire approval process once again. Once the headcount is approved, your Talent team will need to manually assign a recruiter and relink the corresponding job from the ATS.

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