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Release notes: April 4th, 2023
Release notes: April 4th, 2023
Dhes Gonzales avatar
Written by Dhes Gonzales
Updated over a year ago


This product release showcases two new permissions updates that we've made to support more granularity and specificity in your user role customization and user visibility.

The first update is the introduction of the reporting line permission, which enables Director-level employees to view not only their own direct reports and open headcount, but also the reports and open headcount of their direct reports.

We have also split the permission that formerly enabled users to both mark a job as 'ready to hire' and also to link a job from the ATS. Those two permissions now exist independently from one another to ensure that the right users have the appropriate permissions in TeamOhana.

Additionally, we've shipped a number of feature enhancements including a department filter for all visualizations on the org chart, a filter for customers with multiple hiring plans, and showing annualized impact in the Budget and Forecasts module.

Read on for more information on how to implement these features at your organization today!

Community news and events

Q&A with Jeff Merlin, Sr. Director of Strategic Finance at Harness

Jeff Merlin, the featured guest on the third episode of our Headcount People Podcast, joins us again for a Q&A around bridging the gaps in headcount management.

Read the blog post here.

New features

Reporting line visibility

Previously, users of TeamOhana could have either Hiring Manager visibility (they had access to their own current direct reports and headcount that would ultimately become their direct reports) or Department Leader visibility (which gave them access to all current and future members of their department, regardless of the employee/headcount's reporting manager) without any visibility in between.

Starting this week, users can now have a permission called "Manage reporting line" which gives them the ability to view not only their current and future direct reports, but also the direct reports of their direct reports. This permission expands the visibility of the Hiring Manager without giving them full department access.

For example, Byron Phillips has a direct report named Audrey Carter. He has the Hiring Manager user role with the Reporting Line permission, so when he views the hiring tracker he can see not just his own headcount, but Audrey's as well.

This feature applies Reporting Line visibility to the headcount ledger as well as the hiring tracker.

Separation of the mark as "ready to hire" permission and the link job permission

Before we shipped this update, these two permissions could only exist in tandem for a user, meaning that a user could not mark a headcount as ready to hire without also being able to link the headcount with its corresponding job in the ATS.

Now, if a user (for example, a hiring manager) should be able to mark a headcount as 'ready to hire' without being able to link the ATS job, Admins have the ability to customize that user's permissions as such. This ensures that each user has the appropriate access and visibility in TeamOhana.

Read more about these two permissions as well as the other ways you can customize your user roles in TeamOhana in our help center.


  • Budget & Forecasts page now shows both annualized and fiscal year impact

  • Department filter active for all Org Chart visualizations

  • Hiring Plan filter on Hiring Tracker, Recruiting Workboard and Budget & Forecasts pages

Help and resources

Keeping the target start dates of open headcount updated is the only way to ensure that your headcount forecast is correct. Check out our best practices guide to learn why this is so important and how to take action in your TeamOhana account.

Have other questions? Connect with our team here to get 1:1 support and learn about best practices for rolling out these new features in your organization today.

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