Benefits of the terminations workflow
When an employee terminates from a company, there is a ripple effect that impacts stakeholders across the entire organization. TeamOhana's terminations workflow empowers those stakeholders by providing:
visibility into employee changes to HR teams (by capturing information like voluntary/involuntary and regrettable/non-regrettable)
real-time, accurate forecasts and budgets for Finance teams
a streamlined backfill creation process for hiring managers
a head start on hiring for Talent teams
How it works
When an employee is being terminated (voluntarily or involuntarily), the hiring manager or HRBP can come into TeamOhana and initiate the termination by entering the termination date, type, reason, and any additional comments. They will then submit the termination to a chain of 'approvers' who will be notified of the employee's departure.
Once the termination is submitted, the hiring manager or HRBP will have the opportunity to immediately create a backfill request. This workflow ensures that every minute in the process is optimized, and the lag between the employee's termination and the new hire's start date is as short as possible.
Additionally, the headcount forecast is updated instantly with the impact of the termination, so the Finance team does not have to wait until the termination date has passed to get the latest financial report for their headcount.
When the employee's termination is entered into the HRIS, TeamOhana will pull the details into the "Employee changes" tab on the headcount ledger and automatically reconcile the two records.
Initiating a termination with access to sensitive fields (HRBPs)
HRBPs will initiate the termination by clicking into the employee profile (accessed either via the org chart or via the headcount ledger), and then clicking "More." From there, they will have the option to "Initiate termination." Clicking the text will open a drawer on the right side of the screen.
In the termination drawer, the HRBP will be prompted to complete the following fields:
Termination date
Last working day
Termination type (voluntary/involuntary) [note: this is a sensitive field]
When the termination type is voluntary, the drawer will include a field asking whether the departure is regrettable or non-regrettable
When the termination type is involuntary, the drawer will include fields for severance and benefits
Reason (consisting of a customizable list of termination reasons) [note: this is a sensitive field]
Comments (a free text field)
The drawer will also show the impact of the termination on the employee's department:
Employees: the new number of employees in the department with the employee's departure
Annual cost: the new annual cost of the headcount in the department with the employee's salary returned. Does not include severance or benefits.
FY budget: the impact on the headcount budget for the fiscal year. This metric will only show if the employee is terminating in the same year that their employment began. Does not include severance or benefits.
Initiating a termination without access to sensitive fields (hiring managers)
If hiring managers are responsible for initiating terminations in TeamOhana but they do not have access to sensitive fields, they will be able to input the employee's termination date and last working day, but will not see the fields for termination type and regrettable/non-regrettable. They will also not be able to enter severance or benefit information.
If this workflow is being used at your company, we recommend having an HRBP or another member of your HR team in the termination approval chain so that they are able to enter in sensitive information once they receive the termination from the hiring manager.
Creating a backfill
Upon submission of the termination, the drawer will convert to a request form for a backfill. Because hiring managers are typically responsible for creating backfills, if the HRBP is completing the termination workflow, we suggest that the HRBP direct the hiring manager to complete the backfill request once the termination is initiated.
In the backfill request drawer, the following fields will be autofilled with the terminating employee's details:
Job title
Reporting Manager
The "headcount type" (backfill) and "backfill for" fields will also be autofilled.
Once the backfill request is submitted, the terminating employee's profile will be tagged with his or her upcoming departure, and the backfill that was created will be linked as well.
Acknowledging a termination
When the termination is submitted, it will be reviewed and acknowledged by members of your organization, similarly to the way that requests for headcount are reviewed and approved.
Approvers will be notified of the termination with an email that contains the employee's name and termination details. The call to action button in the email will take the approver to the headcount ledger; from there, the approver will click into the employee's profile and select "View details" in the Termination banner.
Future terminations across the product
After an employee's future termination has been acknowledged by each member of the chain, their upcoming departure will be tracked across TeamOhana.
On the headcount ledger, the employee's name will be tagged with a future termination icon that can be hovered over to view more information.
The headcount ledger also has a 'future terms' filter that can be clicked to adjust the headcount ledger to show only the employees who have an upcoming termination.
The Forecast tile on the headcount ledger will also include the future terminations for both Headcount and Cost views.
Starting headcount + Hired + Hiring Active + Hiring Not Started - Terminations - Future Terminations = Forecast.
If the employee is terminating in the same fiscal year in which they were hired, the FY impact of their departure will be tracked on the Budgets & Forecast tab, with the remainder of their salary being returned as a budget surplus.
Finally, the headcount growth graph on the dashboard will also show future terminations in both the headcount and cost views
Archiving a termination
In the case that a termination needs to be canceled, it can be archived on the employee profile, either by clicking the three dots on the termination card, or by clicking the "More" button under Actions and selecting "archive termination."
Reconciling a termination
When the employee's termination has been successfully initiated in TeamOhana, the information will be captured under the Employee Changes tab on the headcount ledger. As soon as the update is added to the HRIS, the two records will auto-reconcile and no manual updates are required. If what's in the HRIS is different from what's in TeamOhana, the TeamOhana record will be overridden and the HRIS information will take precedence.
Termination-related permissions
Finally, there are permissions that enable users to manage and/or initiate terminations.
Manage all terminations - users can create, edit and archive all terminations as per their access attributes
Initiate termination - users can create a termination request and edit them for employees as per their access attributes. They will not be able to view the future terminations created by others
Access sensitive fields - users can access termination reason, termination type, cost of severance and cost of benefits
As always, the user's access attributes (customizable on the user role or the individual user's profile) govern which terminations they have visibility into.