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Internal transfers

How to initiate and reconcile an internal transfer and the implications it has on the headcount budget

Alayna Kolb avatar
Written by Alayna Kolb
Updated over a year ago

While the HRIS remains the system of record for current employees, you can still initiate an internal transfer in TeamOhana when employees move into open roles on the hiring plan. The benefits of this workflow are:

  • The hiring plan stays up to date: roles that are filled by internal transfers are marked as 'closed'

  • All budget and forecast impacts are automatically reconciled

  • Upon creating an internal transfer, you will immediately be able to create a backfill for the transferring employee

Below we'll review how to initiate an internal transfer and create a subsequent backfill request, then discuss the implications of the workflow on the headcount budget.

How to initiate an Internal Transfer

1) Turn on ready-to-hire for the approved headcount

Find the approved headcount in the hiring plan the employee will be transferring into. If it's a new open position, add the headcount and approve before initiating the transfer.

2) Initiate Transfer from the employee profile

Find the employee in the Headcount Ledger or the org chart and initiate transfer from the employee actions section of their profile.

3) Link to the open headcount and set effective date

Link the employee to the open headcount and set the effective date. Best practice is to use the date the new job title and compensation are to take effect.
Note: All of the employee's past and current positions will be shown under Effective date from HRIS for reconciliation. If the transfer has already happened, you can select the Effective date from the list and the transfer will be completed. If the transfer hasn't already happened, you can set a new effective date.

4) View the approval chain and adjust the automatic backfill request toggle as necessary Once you submit your internal transfer, a pre-set chain of approvers will review and approve your request. You can view the approval chain in the internal transfer drawer before you submit your request.

You also have the ability to create a backfill for the internally transferring employee in the same workflow. By default, the toggle is enabled. If you do not need to create a backfill, disable the toggle before you submit your request.

Impact of an internal transfer on the headcount budget

If your permissions allow, you will be able to see the financial impact that the internal transfer will have on both the department that the employee is exiting and of the department they are joining (if changing departments) or on their current department (if remaining within the same department).

Please note: the metrics "Forecast" and "Budget variance" refer to the current fiscal year's hiring plan. This means that if the internally transferring employee was hired prior to this fiscal year, you will not see forecast or budget variance impact on the department they are exiting.

On the other hand, if the internally transferring employee was hired during this fiscal year and they are vacating their role, the hiring plan's forecast and variance will be impacted.

As an example, if Theresa Webb was hired in the Engineering department in February with a salary of $130,000, and then transferred to the Product department in August, the Engineering department's forecast will go down by $65,000.


In the Headcount Ledger an employment change record is created and the headcount is marked as closed/hired.

Once the employee's position and details are updated in the HRIS, an admin can confirm that the TeamOhana details match the HRIS details, then click "Reconcile" to close out the internal transfer and complete the process.

Best Practices

If the employee who is internally transferring has also applied for the role in your ATS, the best practice is to wait until after the offer has been accepted before initiating this workflow in TeamOhana. If the internal transfer happens first, the headcount will close as if the offer has already been accepted.

When creating the approval workflow for your internal transfers, the most important person to include is a member of your Finance team. It may not be necessary to include any others in the workflow, but you can customize it as necessary for your organization.

The headcount that the employee is internally transferring into should already be created as part of the hiring plan, but if it does not already exist, the Talent team should be responsible for submitting the request. Talent should also own creation of the backfill.

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