The headcount details page has been redesigned and updated to include additional layers of information to promote seamless collaboration across all stakeholders involved in headcount management.
New features in the headcount detail drawer include:
Same-tab functionality, enabling users to easily jump from one headcount to the next without waiting for each new page to load
The introduction of Collaborators, which expands on the former "Assignee" field and increases visibility into the headcount to anyone that needs access
The ability to tag multiple recruiters to each headcount
The introduction of Hiring Manager and Hiring Location fields, which can be autofilled via the integration with your ATS
Below we break down each section of the headcount details page.
Basic details
The basic details tab contains each of the fields that are filled in when the headcount is created, either via a one-off request or through a Scenario. Those details are:
Basic details (such as headcount department, title, category, level, and location)
Headcount details (eg team, initiative, headcount type, backfill for)
Compensation details (target base, equity, and variable pay)
Each of these details can be updated by users with the appropriate permissions; clicking the pencil icon in the top right corner of the basic details makes each field editable. Budget-impacting changes will still need to be approved by the approval chain.
On the left side of the drawer, a green check mark will be listed next to the basic details if all fields are populated. A grey check mark indicates that some fields are incomplete. This logic applies for all of the details sections of the headcount drawer.
All draft requests will open to the Basic Details by default.
Budget details
The budget details tab contains the budget-related information that was approved when the headcount was approved, such as budgeted start date and budgeted compensation. These fields typically do not change after the headcount is approved.
The ability to view the budget details of a headcount is a permission that must be enabled for each user role. By default it is enabled for Admins, Finance, Department Leaders and Division Leaders.
The ability to edit the budget details of a headcount is a permission that is usually only given to Admins.
Hiring details
The hiring details of a headcount contain fields for recruiter(s), hiring manager, target hire date, hiring location and job description.
The Recruiter field supports multiple entries, and the hiring manager field enables you to denote if the headcount's hiring manager is different from its reporting manager.
Hiring location will be determined by the locations in your ATS. This field will contain a location that's more specific than the Location field on the Basic Details tab, as that location is used as a pay zone to determine compensation bands and load factor. Hiring location can be manually entered, but in that case it will not be autofilled via the ATS integration.
The hiring details tab also contains the hiring progress, as well as serves as a landing page for the Ready to Hire workflow and the create / link job from ATS workflows.
When a headcount is in the offer pending state, the hiring details summary on the left side of the drawer will show the offer sent date and the candidate name. When the headcount is in the offer accepted state, the date will update to the offer acceptance date.
When you click on an approved headcount, the details drawer will open by default to the hiring details.
Employee details
Once a candidate is hired against the headcount and is added to the HRIS, the employee details from the HRIS will be shown on the Employee details tab.
If an employee needs to be manually linked to a headcount, the Employee details tab is where that workflow takes place.
When you click on a closed headcount, the details drawer will open by default to the Employee details tab.
Additional features
Each of the sections above are accessible via the left panel of the headcount details drawer, depending on user permissions. There are a number of other features accessible on the drawer, regardless of which tab the user is viewing:
Comments - any user with access to the headcount is able to leave comments and @mention other users. You can also react to comments with emojis. The comments section is on the right side of the headcount details drawer
History - all changes to the headcount will be tracked in an audit trail on the history tab. History is located next to Comments
Collaborators - located in the bottom left corner of the details drawer, Collaborators allows users to access and follow a headcount even if they're not its reporting manager, hiring manager, or recruiter. Collaborators will only be able to view the headcount if their ABAC allows. The Collaborator field supports multiple users.
Scrolling from one headcount to another - when the headcount drawer is opened from a section of the platform where multiple headcount are listed (eg the hiring tracker, or any module from the homepage) the user can navigate from one headcount to the next by clicking the arrows on the upper left edge of the drawer. This enables seamless movement across headcount, without needing to go back to the original list. You are also able to scroll from one headcount to the next using the keyboard shortcuts Shift + left arrow and Shift + right arrow
Additional top bar details - the top section of the headcount contains additional information, such as the date of the last update, the hiring progress, the headcount ID, and a shortcut to the headcount on the org chart.
Archive - if the user has Archive headcount permissions, they will be able to do so via the three dots in the top right corner of the drawer, above Comments & Mentions
How the headcount drawer updates during the headcount's lifecycle
As a headcount evolves from a request, to an approved headcount, to a closed headcount with a linked employee, the headcount details drawer will evolve as well.
Headcount request: contains basic details, headcount details, compensation details, and impact metrics, as well as each of the additional features listed above
Note: impact metrics will only be visible to users who have access to manage headcount compensation. If the user does not have access to Budgets & Forecast, they will not see the Variance tile of the impact metrics.
Impact can be viewed either annually, or from the fiscal year perspective
Headcount in-approval: contains all of the above, in addition to highlighting where in the approval chain the request is (ie the users who have already approved the request and the users who still need to review it.)
If the headcount is in approval for a change request, the change details will be outlined on the top of the drawer
Approved headcount: contains basic details, headcount details and compensation details, plus budget details (for those with access) and hiring details. The drawer also contains each of the additional features listed above
Note: impact metrics are not shown on approved headcount
Closed headcount with a linked employee: contains the same information as the approved headcount, plus the employee details