The Comp Cycle module in TeamOhana enables managers to review their direct reports compensation and make a recommendation based on their performance rating, date of last raise, and other factors.
Merit cycle setup
Before the merit cycle begins, an admin will set up the cycle criteria in TeamOhana, including:
Eligible employees
Performance ratings for those employees
Compensation benchmarks and current compa-ratio for each employee
Approval flows for each merit recommendation
Deadlines for reviews
Deadlines for approvals
Effective date of merit increases
Merit increase guidelines
Once the admins launch the cycle, all managers with eligible employees will be invited to log into TeamOhana to review their direct reports.
Reviewing your employees
When you click into your Comp Cycle, you’ll see a dashboard containing each of your eligible direct reports. This dashboard will contain various information about each of your employees, such as their current base, variable, and total pay, their performance ratings, their compensation benchmark, and their last raise date.
Fields highlighted in yellow are configurable. If you enter in % Raise then $ Raise will be automatically calculated and vice versa. The New Base field will also automatically calculate, taking the sum of the employee's current base and the $ Raise amount.
If you continue scrolling to the right, you'll also have the opportunity to give your employee an increase to their variable pay. Their current total comp is tracked; if you are proposing to make changes to their variable pay then you will see that increase reflected in the New total comp field.
The increases you’ve applied will be tracked in the “Merit budget” tile at the top of your page. If you exceed your budget, the meter will turn red.
The guideline variance will also indicate if you have made a recommendation above the guidelines set for you by your admins.
In addition to merit increases, you also have the option to recommend promotions. If a compensation benchmark for the new role is available, you’ll see this reflected in the “base salary benchmark” field and you can adjust merit as necessary.
To leave comments on your recommendations, click the speech bubble next to the employee’s name, and a drawer will appear on the right side of your screen where you can leave notes and @mention other users
Submitting your recommendations for approval
When your recommendations are complete, click “Request approval” at the top of your screen. You can view the approval chain by clicking the avatars to the left of the Request button.
At this point, your recommendations will be sent to the first approver in the flow, and no further action is required from you.