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Clocking in & out and overtime

How to enable clocking in and out and overtime tracking for your team

Updated over 12 months ago

What is time reporting in Surfboard?

Surfboard's time reporting tools let your surfers report on when they work; be that clocking in and out of a scheduled shift, or reporting unplanned overtime.

As a manager, you can choose which surfers to enable this feature for, and how much they can report. All surfer reports are automatically recorded and downloadable in a timesheet from the manager account.

πŸ’‘ Time reporting is turned off by default, so if you want your team to start reporting on their hours you need to enable it.

How do I enable time reporting for my team?

  1. Go to the Reporting section of your account and then navigate to the Timesheets page.

  2. On the Timesheets page, click the button that says Manage time reporting in the top right corner of the screen.

  3. A modal will now open for you to manage time reporting for your team. You can select which surfers or teams to turn this feature on for, or enable it for everyone.

  4. When enabled, surfers can clock in or out of scheduled shifts. You have a few additional options to control how surfers report their time:

    1. Enable 'Allow surfers to enter custom times' to allow surfers to enter a custom start or end time incase they forget to clock in or out.

    2. Enable 'overtime any time' to allow surfers to report on unscheduled overtime, for example if they jump online in an evening or weekend to clear up their inbox.

  5. Once you are happy with your selection, click Save.

  6. Now all the surfers you have selected will have time reporting enabled in their Surfboard account.

How do I turn off time reporting for my team?

If you want to disable or turn off time reporting for anyone in your team, for example, if a surfer was promoted into another team which doesn't require clocking in our out, then you can simply unselect them from the 'manage time reporting' form again.

How do surfers report on their time?

For scheduled shifts

Surfers can clock in and out of their scheduled shifts. Once a shift that's scheduled for today is selected a surfer will be able to start the shift.

They can choose to timestamp their start time with the current time, or if enabled, enter a different time instead, for example if they forgot to when they began working.

Once they're ready to finish up for the day they can finish their shift in the same way. When all the reports for the shift are completed the shift times will be listed in the surfer's account and available to be downloadable in a timesheet in the manager account.

For overtime

If overtime any time is enabled, then surfers will also be able to start and report on overtime sessions in their Surfboard account.

A surfer can click the 'report overtime' button at the bottom of their shift list to start a new overtime session. They can choose to timestamp their start time with the current time, or enter a different time instead, for example if they forgot to when they began working.

Once they're ready to finish up for the day they can finish their session in the same way. When all the reports for the session are completed the reported times will be listed in the surfer's account and available to be downloadable in a timesheet in the manager account.

What if a surfer forgets to end their shift?

If a surfer forgets to clock out of their shift or end an ongoing overtime session then they will be prompted to do so before they can start a new shift.

A surfer cannot start a shift that happened on a previous day, so if they forgot to report on their shift completely, then you will need to manually amend that in your downloaded CSV timesheet.

How do I see when a surfer clocked in or out?

Any time reports are automatically included in Surfboard's timesheets.

  • To view the specific times that a surfer clocks in or out of a shift, download a 'breakdown of each shift' timesheet. In this view, you can easily compare their scheduled start and end time to their reported start and end time.

  • To get a cumulative view of how your surfer's reported hours add up over a longer period, download a 'cumulative summary' timesheet. In this view all the surfers reported hours will be totalled alongside their scheduled hours (total_scheduled) under the reported hours (total_reported)

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