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Using the performance page

How to view performance, read shift timelines and view real-time data

Elva avatar
Written by Elva
Updated over a week ago

Surfboard’s reporting suite, offers you insight into key performance metrics. By accurately measuring performance, you can identify areas for improvement, optimise resource allocation, and ensure their teams are working at peak efficiency.

The performance page contains all the data on your team's performance. In this article we'll show you how to use this data to the fullest.

Available metrics

The metrics available to you are:

  • Scheduled time = The total amount of time a surfer was scheduled for.

  • Utilisation = Percentage of time surfers were scheduled on service activities. (Service time ÷ Scheduled time)

  • Total closed = Total number of closed tickets/conversations.

  • Closed per hour = Average number of tickets/conversations closed per scheduled hour. (Total closed ÷ Scheduled time)

  • Closed per scheduled hour = Average number of tickets/conversations closed per scheduled service hour. (Total closed ÷ Scheduled service time)

  • Time-on-task = Percentage of time surfers were on-task during the total scheduled time.

  • Occupancy = Percentage of time surfers were on-task during scheduled service time.

Navigating the page

When you land on the page, you'll need to select the team or surfer whose performance you wish to view. This is to protect the privacy of others data if you're viewing this page in an office or public space.

  1. Surfer selector: Select the surfer whose performance you want to view.

  2. Timezone picker: Select the timezone you wish to view this page in.

  3. Date picker: Select the date you wish to view.

  4. Range: Choose if you want to view the data per day or week. Click 'today' to jump to today and view real-time data.

Team view

When viewing performance of your team you will see the overall metrics as well as individual scores and a breakdown of performance across your different channels/activities.

Team metrics

The team metrics show overall the performance of the currently select team. Team metrics show the total scores for the team rather than the average of each surfer's score.

For example, team time-on-task is the total amount of time your team were on task ÷ the total scheduled time.

Individual performance table

The individual performance table shows the performance of each surfer within the selected team.

Sorting the table

You can sort the table by the different metrics in order to identify under and over performers. To sort simply click on the on the column header you want to sort.

Filtering the table

You can also filter the table to identify surfers with specific performance scores or to compare surfers with similar scores.

Activity breakdown

The activity breakdown table shows the performance across your different channels/activities. You'll be able to see:

  • Scheduled time - Total time scheduled on the activity

  • Time-on-task - How much of the schedule time were surfers on task

  • Opened - Number of open interactions

  • Comment - Number of comment interactions

  • On-hold - Number of on-hold interactions

  • Closed - Number of closed interactions

  • Closed per hour - Number of closes per scheduled hour

  • Closed per service hour - Number of closes per scheduled service hour

Just like with the Individual performance table you can sort and filter the columns to identify under or over performance.

Surfer day

When looking at a single day for a surfer, you can dig into the details of their time-on-task and productivity.

  1. Scorecard: Contains a summary of this day's performance.

  2. Time-on-task score: The % of time the surfer was on-task on this day.

  3. 7 day trend: A snapshot of the surfer's time-on-task scores over the previous 7 days.

  4. Shift timeline: A visual breakdown of the surfer's schedule compared to their tracked activity in your ticketing systems.

The shift timeline

  • The scheduled row shows a simplified version of the schedule. Service activities (i.e. activities linked to ticket groups) are purple, any other activities are yellow and breaks are grey

  • The tracked row shows what the surfer did during their shift. It's colour coded to make it easy to see when surfers were on or off task. If you have more than one supported ticketing connection, you'll see a row for each one.

Tracked colours and what they mean

  • When service activities (purple) are scheduled:

    • 🟢 Green blocks mean that the surfer was doing what they were scheduled to do and were on-task

    • 🟠 Orange blocks mean that the surfer was either inactive when they were meant to be working, or if you have more than 1 connection, they could be working in the wrong system.

  • When non-service activities (yellow) or breaks (grey) are scheduled:

    • ⚪️ White or hashed blocks mean that the surfer was inactive, which means they're on-task as we don't expect them to be working in systems at this time.

    • 🟠 Orange blocks mean that the surfer was working on service when they weren't meant to be

Viewing what surfers did

  • The timeline tooltip breaks down blocks of time into tickets. Each ticket is labelled with the ticket ID related to the system.

  • Hover over any ticket to view the estimated interaction time. This time is estimated based on the timestamp of events (e.g. a comment, or ticket status change) and the average handle time (AHT) of the related ticket group.

  • When viewing a ticket, you’ll see a list of the interactions that happened (e.g. a comment, or ticket status change) and the assumed start and assumed end time. These times are estimated using either the timestamp of the first/last interaction or the average handle time. As a reminder for open events, we add AHT, as we assume this marks the time when the surfer will begin working. For comments, closed or on hold events, we subtract AHT, as we assume this marks the end of the time they spent working on the ticket.

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