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Schedule insights
Adam Kendall avatar
Written by Adam Kendall
Updated over a week ago

Unlock the power of efficient scheduling, capacity planning and resource allocation with our new Schedule Insights feature. Designed to empower you with key insights into how your team's time is scheduled.

Schedule Insights offers you the flexibility to either assess the effectiveness of your past schedules or proactively plan ahead by gaining insights into your team's future time allocation.

⚠️ Schedule insights currently shows data on published shifts and activities only. Ensure you have published your schedule to see up to update information.

Service capacity breakdown

The service capacity breakdown allows you to compare time scheduled on service to your forecasts to gain visibility into whether you have allocated enough time for your service activities. You can understand the impact of time off and non-service activities on your ability to meet service requirements.

The chart consists of 6 bars, each representing time:

  1. Planned shifts - This is the total amount of time from all shifts added to the schedule. It includes any shifts which were added tp the schedule but overridden by time off. It give you a view of the total amount of time you originally planned before time off was taken.

  2. Time off - This is the total amount of time off which has conflicted with a planned shift. This give you view of how much time you have lost from time off being taken.

  3. Scheduled shifts - This is the amount of time actually scheduled after time off has been taken.

  4. Non service time - This is the total amount of time scheduled on non service activities.

  5. Service time - This is the total amount of time scheduled on service activities. Service activities are those which have been linked to forecasts. See how link activities to forecasts here.

  6. Required service time - This is the total amount of time needed on service activities to meet your service targets. This is calculated by taking your actual ticket volumes (when looking in the past) or forecasted ticket volumes (when looking into the future) and multiple;ying by your average handle time setup in your Ticket groups.

On the left you have the insights card which shows the you delta between Service time and Required service time.

By default, the service capacity breakdown chart is shown in hours. You can choose to view the chart in full time equivalent (FTE) by clicking the "Convert to FTE". You can customise the FTE hours by clicking the link inside the insights card.

Activity time insights

Activity time insights shows you the breakdown of time across your different activities. You'll how much time your team spends on service and non service activities as a percentage and by hour. You can then use this information to make informed decisions, allocate resources strategically, and ensure that each channel and activity is receiving the attention it deserves.

Coverage heatmap

The coverage heatmap allows you to understand how well you scheduled your team across your different activities at different times of the day. It shows the number of surfers scheduled compared surfers required based on the tickets your receive.

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