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Nudge off-task surfers via Slack

Learn how to use Surfboard's Slack nudges

Updated over 9 months ago

When surfers are off-task, you can now send a reminder message directly to the surfer via Slack from the real-time dashboard.

Managers can then get instant feedback when surfers become active again in the dashboard, closing the feedback loop.

How to send a Slack nudge

The nudge tool is available from the real-time dashboard.

The nudge button will only appear if:

  • You have an active performance connection in your Surfboard account (Aircall, Dixa, Intercom, Salesforce or Zendesk)

  • The surfer is currently scheduled on to a shift

  • The surfer is scheduled on a service task (i.e. linked to a ticket group)

  • The surfer has the Surfboard Slack App installed

  • AND the surfer has a current off-task status

To send a nudge, simply click on the 🔔 button next to an off-task surfers status.

That surfer will then be sent a friendly reminder of their scheduled activity via Slack.

After you send a nudge, the button will be on 'cool-down' for 2 minutes. After that time you're free to send additional nudges.

What do the nudge messages say?

Surfboard’s friendly notifications are designed to remind surfers that service is a team sport, and bad adherence can put undue pressure on their colleagues.

The messages change slightly depending on the scheduled activity:

  • Service task: “Amy, your team needs you on 📞 Outbound calls. You’ve been inactive in Aircall for 12 mins.”

  • Non-service task or meeting: “Amy, you should be on 💼 Admin now. It looks like you’re still working in Zendesk.”

  • Break: “Amy, make sure you take your 🍔 Lunch. It looks like you’re still working in Zendesk.”

How will I know if surfers got my nudge?

The surfer's time-on-task status will update in the real-time dashboard whenever new behaviour is tracked. If the surfer gets back into the queue or inbox, you should see them move to an on-task status.

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