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Activating your account
Mathieu Lubrun avatar
Written by Mathieu Lubrun
Updated over a week ago

When you first create your account to the Tellent Admin Center, you need to enter your personal details to activate your account.

1. On the Tellent Admin Center, click Create now to create your account.

2. Enter all the necessary information:

  • Company name: The name of the company the account is going to be under.

  • Full name: Your full name.

  • Email: The email address the activation email is sent to.

  • Phone: The phone number you want to be contacted with.

  • How did you hear about us?: Let us know how you heard about Tellent.

  • Password: The password needs to be at least 8 characters long.

3. In the email sent to your account, click on Activate accountOnce you have clicked on Enter, a confirmation email is sent to your email address.

4. Select the platform, or platforms, you want to subscribe to, to create your company account and manage your users and subscriptions globally.

5. Choose your language and tell us your company size’s.

6. Select what role best describes you and click on Continue.

7. Select between playing with data to practice using the platform or start creating and importing your users. Once you made your selection, click Continue.

8. Then, click on Continue. Your Tellent account is now created and you can start managing your Recruiter and KiwiHR users and subscription on the same platform.

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