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How to customize Teramind to suit your preferences and brand
How to customize Teramind to suit your preferences and brand
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 10 months ago


Teramind’s intuitive and flexible user interface allows you to customize it to your preference.

For example, admins, department managers and privileged users can create their own dashboards with drag and drop widgets, create custom BI reports and share them with other users, customize alert messages with an HTML template, change the login screen with your branding, etc.

In a select few cases, Teramind might be able to develop custom features to suit your enterprise-specific needs. Please talk to your account manager if you need more information.

Creating Your Own Custom Dashboards with Widgets

The dashboards are easy to configure using drag-and-drop widgets. You can also click the DASHBOARD menu and then select the NEW DASHBOARD button at the top-right corner of the List of dashboards menu screen. You can also click the DAHBOARD menu and then select the NEW DASHBOARD button at the top-right corner of List of dashboard menu screen.

Only the main Administrators, Department Managers, and Privileged Users (created using the CONFIGURE > ACCESS CONTROL menu) have access to the DASHBOARD menu. Each user’s dashboards are specific to their own login account and cannot be viewed or edited by another user.

You can then add widgets to the dashboard by clicking the ADD WIDGETS button near the top-right corner. You can add from Monitoring, Productivity, Security, and Risk categories. You can drag-and-drop and resize the widget to your need. You can add multiple copies of a widget. You can then configure each widget to show the same type of information (such as App Usage) but for different employees, departments, or other criteria. This way, you can compare between them. To configure a widget, click the Cog Wheel/Gear icon near the top-right corner of a widget.

Customizing the BI Reports


In addition to the pre-built BI reports, you can create your own custom BI reports by ‘cloning’ an existing report (a pre-built report or another custom report). You can also share these custom reports with your team. Click the CLONE button near the top-right corner of a report to create a copy/clone of it.

Like the dashboards, you can then add widgets to your report or configure the existing ones. Click the green +WIDGET button to add a new widget. To configure a widget, click the Gear icon near the top-right corner of a widget.

To share a custom BI report you have created, click the Gear icon near the top-right corner of the report screen and select the users for both the SHARE VIEW-ONLY and SHARE VIEW & EDIT options.

You can also preconfigure the filters and other options for a report. Click the Funnel

icon to set a report filter and then click the SAVE button on the filter panel to save the settings. This way, the report will retain the configurations the next time you open it.

Customizing the Login Screen (On-premise/Private Cloud deployments only)


You can customize the appearance of the dashboard login screen of an On-Premise or Private Cloud deployment to match your company’s branding. Click the Gear icon near the top-right corner of the dashboard, then select Settings > Login screen tab.

Use the LOGO IMAGE option to upload a logo (suggested resolution is 190×54 pixels). Use the BACKGROUND IMAGE option to upload a background image (suggested resolution is 1400×933 pixels). You can also change the LOGIN BUTTON COLOR by specifying a color in HTML/Hex format.

Customizing the Alert Messages

You can display a customized alert message to an employee or user in case of a policy/rule violation incident. Warn, Block, and Lock Out User rule actions support displaying custom user messages.

By default, alerts appear on the top-right corner of the user’s desktop in a small white box. You can format the alert message using HTML codes. You can also change the default alert template to change the look and feel of the alert box. For example, to match the brand of your company, or to link to your company policy.

Turning on the HTML Alert Template

To enable the use of HTML template, create or edit a rule then follow these steps:

  1. Go to the rule’s Action tab.

  2. Select a rule action, such as Warn/Block/Lock Out User.

  3. Enter your alert message in the MESSAGE field.

  4. Turn on the USE HTML TEMPLATE option and save the rule. You can also make the HTML template the default option from the alert setting. Check the section below to learn how to do that.

Customizing the HTML Alert Template

Before using the HTML template, it is a good idea to customize it so that the Alerts messages are visually distinctive and match with any company branding you might have. You can customize the look and feel of your message box by editing the HTML Alert template:

  1. Click the Gear icon on the top-right corner.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Select the Alerts tab.

  4. To make this template default option for the rules, turn the USE HTML USER ALERTS BY DEFAULT option on.

  5. Enter the HTML code in the CUSTOM USER ALERT HTML field.

  6. Click the PREVIEW button to see how the alert will look.

  7. You can change the SCREEN LOCATION, WIDTH, HEIGHT, etc.

There are two dynamic variables: %ALERT%, %DETAIL% you can use in your message. These variables will then be replaced with the actual alert message and details when triggered. Also, the alert can have HTML buttons such as, the OK and CANCEL buttons.

Here is a sample HTML code:

.customAlert {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
max-width: 480px;
min-width: 250px !important;
min-height: 100px;
padding: 10px;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: #088A68;
background-color: #ddd;
padding: 16px 38px 16px 28px;
box-shadow: 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
border-radius: 4px;
border: 1px solid #f78d24;

.message {
font-size: 14px;
padding: 5px;
color: #000;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 20px;
text-align: center;

.okButton {
top: 100%;
left: 50%;
width: 50%;
height: 36px;
line-height: 36px;
outline: 0;
border: 0;
background: #f2a654;
color: white;
text-align: center;

.okButton:hover {
transition: 0.3s;
cursor: pointer;

.alert-title {
clear: both;
font-size: 25px;
padding: 20px 0;
text-align: center;
<div class='customAlert'>
<div class="alert-title">Policy Violation Detected</div>
<p class='message'>%ALERT%</p>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<button class='okButton'>OK</button>

And this is how it will look on the user’s desktop:


Sometimes the alert might not show exactly on the user's computer as it's displayed on the alert Preview. This is due to how the HTML text is rendered by the Teramind Agent. For security reasons, we have restricted the use of some tags and others are rendered a bit differently than a typical browser.

Using Images / Icons in the HTML Alert Template

You can use Base64 encoded images in your HTML, for example, to show your company logo, a warning sign, etc. You can, of course, use the <img> tag to load external image files too. But be warned this might not work if the user is offline or the image resource is not accessible from the user’s domain. Base64 is better as it will directly inject the image information in the HTML itself without requiring an external file.

Here is an example HTML code for using a warning icon on the alert message (insert it just before the <div class="alert-title"> line from the previous example):

<img style="width:40px; height:40px;" src=""/>

And here is how it will look:


There are many online resources available that can convert an image to Base64. You can search for the term ‘base64 encoder’ to find these resources.

Configuring Other Alert Options

You can configure other settings such as alert delay, the maximum number of alerts shown, alert time out, etc. from the Alert settings screen. The table below explains what those settings mean and when to use them:


The Notify action sends out an email notification to the selected user(s) when a rule is violated. This setting defines the threshold where the system will group these notification alerts into a single email. The system will send these many identical alert emails, and then it will group them into an email digest. If set to 0, Teramind will send each notification alert as a separate email.


This setting applies to rules with a Warn or Block action. The threshold sets the minimum time, in seconds, to wait between alerts that the user sees. If set to 0, users will see all alerts they violate, regardless of the frequency.


LOG ALERT THRESHOLD sets the minimum time, in seconds, to wait between logging alerts to the Teramind system. If set to 0, it will not limit the number of alerts that are logged.


MAXIMUM DAILY ALERTS COUNT limits the total number of alerts that get logged by Teramind on a daily basis per alert type. You can also set the alert limit at the rule level from the rule's Advanced Mode action panel (Choose maximum number of saved alerts per day).


You can build rules in Teramind to set a user’s task based on their activity. RULE TASK SELECTION ACTION TIMEOUT (SECONDS) defines the time out when switching tasks. If the user switches activity and remains in the new activity for the defined seconds, the rule will be re-evaluated.

Changing the Agent Default Settings

You can change the currency used, assign a default task for employees, enable monitoring by default etc. from the Agent defaults screen. Click the Cog Wheel / Gear icon near the top-right corner of the dashboard, then select the Settings >Agent defaults tab to access this screen.

Restart the user machine(s) after changing the default task for it to take effect.

Configuring the Localization Settings

Click the Cog Wheel / Gear icon near the top-right corner of the dashboard, then select Settings > Localization to change the time and language settings.

Other Commonly Used Configurations

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