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Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 8 months ago

Introduction to System

The System menu allows you to access a few reports that you might need from time to time. For example, finding missing users/computer, re-downloading a report you previously exported, or to view the system log of dashboard activities.

Accessing the System Menus


1. Hover your mouse over the SYSTEM menu, then

2. Select an item from the sub-menu:

Missing Users / Computers

The Missing Users / Computers report shows employees or computers for which Teramind didn’t receive any data recording for the specified days. The report shows the following columns: Employee/computer, Last login time, Last login from and Consecutive days without recording.


Searching for Missing Users / Computers

  1. Select from Employees/Computers from the top-left corner of the screen.

  2. Specify number of days for DATA RECORDED WITHIN field.

  3. Specify number of days for AND NO RECORDING FOR THE LAST field.

  4. Click the APPLY button to apply the filter and view the result.

You can use the dashboard's Notifications Report feature to diagnose the most common reasons for missing computers / users. Or, check out the Employee showing offline / Computer not reporting troubleshooting article for further troubleshooting steps and common causes.

Video Export

From this screen, you can view a list of all videos exported from the Session Player and download them.

When selecting the date range from the date selector on the top right, be sure to select dates that include the day the video export was requested on, not the day the recording is for.

Downloading / Deleting / Cancelling Video Exports

For each video export, you can view information such as when the report was created, filename, etc.

1. The Created column will show the date and time of when the export operation started.

2. The Finished columns will show the date and time of when the export operation finished. If the export is still in progress or it was cancelled, then this column will display N/A.

3. The Status column will show the current status of the export operation such as finished, cancelled, exporting, etc. If the column shows an In Queue message, it means the export is waiting for the previous export to finish and/or the server is busy.

4. The Creator column will show the name of the user who initiated the export.

5. The Employee column will show the employee whose screen recording is being exported.

6. The Duration column will show the data and duration of the video (see Note 1 below).

7. If you are on an On-Premise deployment, you will also see a Persistent option. You can enable the Persistent option to keep a file indefinitely. Otherwise it will be deleted after 10 days automatically.

8. If the video has successfully finished exporting (the Status column shows a Finished message) then you will see the size of the exported file in the Size column. You will also see a Download icon. Click the icon to download the video in MP4 format. Note that the exact file size might vary slightly (depending on your disk format when you download the video).

9. On the last column, you might see different icons to perform different actions depending on the Status of the video. For example, if the video is Finished or Cancelled, you will see the Trash Can Icon. Click the icon to delete an export. If the video is In Queue or Exporting, you will see the X icon. Click the icon to cancel the export.


  1. If you are exporting session recordings of multiple days, each day will become a separate export.

  2. Cloud customers will have access to the exported videos for up to 10 days. On-Premise / Private Cloud customers have the ability to make them persistent (keep the files as long as you want) by enabling the Persistent option.

Report Export

From this screen you can view a list of all the reports exported from the Monitoring Reports and the BI Reports and download them.

Exported reports from the Behavior > Alerts and Productivity > Overview screens are not available for download from this Report Export screen. Exports from those screens start immediately and are not saved for later downloads.

Downloading / Deleting / Cancelling Exports

For each export, you can view information such as when the report was created, filename, etc.

1. The Status column will show the current status of the export operation (e.g., finished, cancelled, exporting, etc.).

2. The icons column will tell you if it is an export from the Monitoring Reports (PDF/CSV) or BI Reports (Zip) export.

3. Unless deleted by you, Cloud customers will have access to the exported reports for up to 30 days. The Delete after column shows when the report will be deleted automatically.

4. On-Premise / Private Cloud customers have the ability to make the reports persistent (keep for as long as they want) by clicking the Yes/No button on the Persistent column.

5. The Auto export column will tell you if it is part of an auto-export/scheduled report.

6. The Protected column will show if the auto export report was protected with a password (see the BI Reports > Exporting a BI Report section of the User Guide).

7. Click the Download icon on a row to download a Zip file containing the report.

8. On the last column, click the Trash Can icon to delete a report. Click the X icon to cancel an export in progress (an export in progress is shown as Exporting on the Status column).

System Log

The System Log screen allows you to see all administrator/manager activities on the Teramind Dashboard. These immutable session logs are useful for monitoring privileged users’ activities and identify any abuse of the system. Additionally, session logs, in conjunction with access control and other auditing and forensics features of Teramind allows you conform with compliance standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, etc.

An alternative to the System Log is the BI Reports > Audit Report which will offer a greater selection of filter options.


The System Log report has the following columns:

  • Date/time: the data and time of the activity.

  • IP: IP location of the user.

  • Employee: name of the user/employee.

  • Action: what action the user performed. For example, Login, Logout, View, Delete, etc.

  • Object Type: the type of object the user accessed. For example, Report, Dashboard, Shared, etc.

  • Object Name: internal names of the object. For example, Productivity, Audit, etc.

  • Page: the URL of the object. Only displayed when SHOW URLS filter is turned on. See the Applying System Log Filters section below for more information.

  • Details: where applicable, displays any additional information about an activity. Such as, Inserted an item (in a List), Created a Network Shared List, etc.

Applying System Log Filters


1. Click the SHOW URLS button near the top-right corner to turn it on/off. When on, the system log report will display an additional column, ‘Page’ with the exact URL of the dashboard object.

2. By default, the report displays all types of activities. However, you can use the Activity filter to display the logs for a single activity.

3. By default, the report displays all agents/users. However, you can use the Agent filter to display the logs for a single agent/user.

Viewing Additional Details for a Log


1. If a log object has additional details that cannot be shown in the Details column, you will see a Click here to view details link. Clicking the link will open a pop-up window.


2. You can view the details on the pop-up window. For example, on the image above, it shows that and administrator changed the name of an Access Control policy from ‘Executive Policy’ to ‘Senior Management’.

3. Click the CLOSE button to close the pop-up window and return to the Session Log report.

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