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Salesforce <> Tesorio Integration Setup
Updated over 9 months ago

To connect your Salesforce account with your Tesorio account, we require:

  • You need connect your ERP to Tesorio first

  • Provide your CSM with the custom field details that contain your customers' common identifiers

    • this is the field that Tesorio uses to link your ERP customers to your Salesforce customers. That common identifier can be present in either system

    • the common identifier must match exactly between the two systems

  • A new Connected App in your Salesforce account

  • Check the Profile on your User

    • the Profile needs to be granted access to the new Connected App

Step 1 Create a Connected App

A Connected App is a framework that enables an external application to integrate with Salesforce using APIs and standard protocols. Connected Apps use these protocols to authenticate, authorize, and provide single sign-on (SSO) for external apps. Tesorio uses Salesforce’s OAuth protocol for authentication.

The following steps will lead you through the process of creating a connected app in Salesforce, and then connecting this information to Tesorio to start your data import.

1.1 Within your Salesforce account, click on “Setup” located on the right side of the screen

1.2 From Setup, enter “App” in the Quick Find box and select “App Manager”.

1.3 Click on “New Connected App”

1.4 Enter the Connected App name, which displays in the “App Manager”

Enter a Connected App name. See the screen shot below for an example.

Only letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed.

Enter the contact email for Salesforce to use in case Salesforce wants to contact you or your support team. This will typically be your Salesforce Admin’s email address.

1.5 Scroll down to the API (Enable OAuth Settings)

  • Select “Enable OAuth Settings”

  • Enter a Callback URL. Links below:

For Production - please enter this URL below:

If you are connecting your Sandbox account - please enter this URL:

  • Select OAuth Scope - Under Available OAuth Scopes column, select “Manage User data via API (API)” and "Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)" add to Selected OAuth Scopes column. (OAuth scopes define permissions for the connected app, which are granted as tokens after the app is authorized).

💡 Only check the three setting as per the screen shot below. Any other checked boxes may cause issues connecting your Salesforce account to Tesorio.

You can now click “Save”.

1.6 Navigate to "App Manager", you will see the Connected App you just created (you might be brought to the screen directly after you click Save).

In "API (Enable OAuth Settings)" click on Manage Consumer Details. You will need those two credentials for connecting with Tesorio.

Save these two credentials and have them available to enter in Tesorio.

Step 2 Check the Profile on your User

The Profile needs to be granted access to the new Connected App. If you already know the profile of your user, please skip this step.

2.1 Type users in the setup screen:

2.2 Find your user and check the Profile linked to it:

Step 3 Configure the Profile

Within your Salesforce account, click on “Setup” located on the right side of the screen (if you are doing this right after the above steps, you should already be there).

Type "Profiles" to get to the Profiles set-up page.

Click on the Profile that you will be using

3.1 Make sure the Profile is granted access to the Connected App you just created:

3.2 Scroll down. Make sure the "API Enabled" setting under "Administration Permissions" is enabled:

3.3 Under "Standard Object Permissions", grant Read Access to "Accounts" and "Contacts" - these are the two object we need access to:

Step 4 Connect your Salesforce account in Tesorio

On the Salesforce Integration screen in Tesorio, enter the following information

  • "Instance URL" - from My Domain -> My Domain Details -> Current My Domain URL

  • "Consumer Key" and "Consumer Secret" from Step1

Click Connect, that will bring you to a Salesforce approval page to log in and allow access to the connected app.

Once you approve in Salesforce, your data import into Tesorio will start. More information on what data Tesorio pulls from your Salesforce account can be found here.

* The custom field identified to link your customers between your ERP and Salesforce needs to be activated by Tesorio before you see Salesforce data in Tesorio. Once you provide that field and it gets activated by your CSM, you will be able to see Salesforce contacts and notes at the customer level in Tesorio.

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