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Creating Test Plans

Add test plans to a TestCollab project

Shriti Grover avatar
Written by Shriti Grover
Updated over 3 months ago

Test Plans are groups of test cases that are brought together to achieve specific testing goals. Test plan contains test cases that can be assigned to specific testers so that they can be run.

If your role in the current project permits then adding a new test plan can be as simple as clicking Create Test Plan button on test cases page.

How to include Test Cases in Test Plan

  • You can apply various filters to include specific test cases, for example, filter test cases with tag regression to create a regression test plan Or filter test cases created in last week to be included in the Test Plan, or

Filtering test cases to be included in a test plan in TestCollab

  • You can use checkboxes to select specific test cases to be included in the Test Plan, or

Selecting individual test cases to be included in a test plan in TestCollab

  • You can simply click Create Test Plan button to include all test cases of your project in your Test Plan

Create test plan wizard

It opens up a 3 steps wizard when you click on "Create Test Plan" button.

Step 1- Basic Info

You start by providing the title for test plan that is by default the only mandatory field. Although TestCollab allows you to have more than one test plans with the same title but it is always good to have a unique title for every test plan you create.

Test plans often have their own schedules and deadlines so you can set a start date and an end date. These dates help testers in prioritizing their tasks, the app also notifies the concerned users when start date or end date for a particular test plan approaches. These dates also for the basis for the burndown chart to be prepared for the test plan.

Test plans created with similar purposes are often grouped together in test plan folders, so you can select one for your test plan. Priority and description are the other fields for which the values can be provided.

Create test plan wizard in TestCollab

Step 2- Configurations

Configurations are very useful feature, they allows you to get same set of test cases executed under different scenarios and conditions, with this you can see how results differ within and across different configurations and what needs to be done to close the gap. For example, you can add configurations to run same set of test cases in two different browsers or OS.

Other custom fields

There can be custom fields, other than the ones used for configuration, to add more properties to the test plan, use them wisely to communicate as much information as you can to your teammates especially the ones who are part of the test plan being created.

Step 3- Assignment

The last step is to assign test cases under the test plan to one or more testers, there are different criteria or methods for assignment:

  • Assign all test cases to one tester

Select name of Tester who will run this Test Plan from assignee list.

Assigning testers to the test cases in a test plan in TestCollab

  • Assign test cases to multiple testers equally automatically

This process automatically assigns all your test cases equally to the testers you select, and helps you save lot of time.

  1. Select the names of all the testers who will run this Test Plan from assignee List

  2. Select Assignment Criteria as Test Case, if not pre-selected

  3. Select Assignment Method as Automatic

Test plan summary in TestCollab

  • Assign test cases to multiple testers manually

This process gives you ability to cherry pick each test case and assign each test case to tester of your choice.

  1. Select Assignment Criteria as Test Case, if not pre-selected

  2. Select Assignment Method as Manual

  3. At the end of wizard click on "Assign test cases to testers" button and you will be navigated to test cases list page of test plan and you can select assignee for each test case. When using this method, assigning test cases to testers is optional, by default all test cases are set as unassigned.

Assigning testers to test cases manually in TestCollab

Assignment while using Configurations

  • Assign automatically the test cases under a configuration to multiple testers equally

This automatically process assigns all your test cases equally to the testers for all configurations and helps you save a lot of time.

  1. Select the names of the all the testers who will run this Test Plan from assignee List

  2. Select Assignment Criteria as Configuration or Test case

  • Configuration: Select this assignment criteria to assign all test cases in each configuration to one tester. Example-
    Configuration 1 ( Firefox + Windows) = Tester A (100 test cases)
    Configuration 2 ( Firefox + Linux) = Tester B (100 test cases)

Automatic assignment of testers to test plan configuration in TestCollab

  • Test Case: Select this assignment criteria to assign each configuration to multiple testers. Example-
    Configuration 1 ( Firefox + Windows) = Tester A (50 test cases) and Tester B (50 test cases)
    Configuration 2 ( Firefox + Linux) = Tester A (50 test cases) and Tester B (50 test cases)

Automatic assignment of testers to test plan configuration in TestCollab

3. Select Assignment Method as Automatic

  • Assign test cases in a configuration to multiple testers manually

This process gives you ability to assign each configuration to tester of your choice.

  1. Select Assignment Criteria as Configuration or Test case

  • Configurations: Select this to assign all test cases in each configuration to one tester. Example-
    Configuration 1 ( Firefox + Windows) = Tester A (100 test cases)
    Configuration 2 ( Firefox + Linux) = Tester B (100 test cases)

Manual assignment of testers to test cases in a test plan in TestCollab
  • Test Case: Select this to assign test cases in each configuration to multiple testers. Example-​
    Configuration 1 ( Firefox + Windows) = Tester A (50 test cases) and Tester B (50 test cases)
    Configuration 2 ( Firefox + Linux) = Tester A (50 test cases) and Tester B (50 test cases)

Manual assignent of testers to configurations in a test plan in TestCollab

2. Select Assignment Method as Manual

3. At the end of wizard click on "Aassign test cases to testers" button and you will be navigated to test cases list page of test plan and you can select assignee for each test case. When using this method, assigning test cases to testers is optional, by default all test cases are set as unassigned.


  • If you are on a free plan and the limit for permitted number of executed test cases has already been exhausted then you may not be able to add any new test plan, unless you delete one or more pre-existing test plans.

  • Configurations and custom fields are paid features so they may not be the part of all pricing plans.

  • Only the users who have accepted the invite and have registered themselves successfully onto the TestCollab instance would be listed as assignees.

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