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Exporting Test Cases

Export and share test cases data from TestCollab in CSV and PDF formats

Vishal Vaswani avatar
Written by Vishal Vaswani
Updated over 3 months ago

If you want to share test cases data with others, get them exported in CSV or PDF formats.

Exporting from test cases manage page

Export test cases from TestCollab in CSV or PDF format

Which test cases would get exported depends on applied filters on the test cases page, if there are no filters applied then all the test cases within the project would get exported. You can also use checkboxes to select specific test cases to export.

Export test cases from TestCollab in CSV or PDF format

Exporting data with columns currently visible on grid

If you do not want all the columns to be part of exported data then you can opt to export data only for columns currently visible when you click on Export button.

Export test cases from TestCollab in CSV or PDF format

Tip: Columns visibility can be managed using "Columns panel" of grid.

The exported data however will always have steps and expected results columns.

Sequence of test cases in exported CSV

If you have sorted test cases on one or more columns on grid then the order would also be followed at the time of exporting the test cases.

Exporting test cases with or without the HTML tags

Test cases can be exported with or without the HTML tags as part of the fields having text and images.

Export test cases from TestCollab in CSV or PDF format

Exporting test cases from within a test plan

You can also export the test cases that are part of a test plan.

If you have configurations in test plan then you can opt to export data for all the configurations present.

The comments added during the execution of test case can also be included with the data to be exported.

We recommend keeping the "Display HTML tags in steps and description" option selected in order to include formatted text and images in the exported file.


User with rights to export test cases would only be able to perform this action.

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