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TestCollab's Inbuilt Requirements Manager

Add and manage all your project requirements within TestCollab itself

Vishal Vaswani avatar
Written by Vishal Vaswani
Updated over 3 months ago

Your project needs the requirements to be managed efficiently but your team does not want to use an external tool for this, here is the solution... Start using TestCollab's inbuilt requirements management system to :

  • Add

  • Update

  • Group within folders

  • Have custom fields as additional properties

  • Rearrange

  • Filter

  • Delete, and above all

  • Link requirements with new and existing test cases

Configuring the project to use inbuilt requirements manager

Configuring inbuilt requirements manager in a TestCollab project

Like other requirements managers TestCollab's inbuilt requirement manager also requires initial configuration by an administrator for the project so that the feature can be used.

  • Start by enabling the requirements mapping for the project.

  • Select TestCollab as source of requirements

  • Under Configure section a project key that would be used to identify the requirements added need to be provided

  • Save the settings

Requirements management

Managing inbuilt requirements in a TestCollab project

The interface for requirements management is simple and straight forward, with easy access to requirements list, requirements folders, filters and columns.

Managing custom fields

Managing custom fields for inbuilt requirements in a TestCollab project

In order to extend the properties associated with requirements you can have the custom fields added and managed.

Adding requirements folder

To organize the requirements, the folders can be used that can be maintained to group the related requirements and have them managed in hierarchical order

Adding a folder for inbuilt requirements in a TestCollab project

Once a folder is added all the relevant actions can also be performed on them:

  • Adding a sub folder

  • Editing and deleting folder

  • Drag and drop to change position and hierarchy

Actions for inbuilt requirements folder in a TestCollab project

Rearranging inbuilt requirements folders in a TestCollab project

Adding requirements

Adding new requirement in a TestCollab project

Form to add requirements not only gives the option to add title and description but it has options to select a folder, provide values for custom fields and link the test cases.

Adding new requirement in a TestCollab project

Only title and the required custom fields are mandatory, all other fields are optional.

Linking requirements from test case manage page

Linking inbuilt requirements with test cases in a TestCollab project

Linking of requirements can be done by a user who has right to add or edit test cases in current TestCollab project.

When a user adds a new test case or edits an existing one, there would be an option of linking requirements added to the project.

Requirements are fetched on the basis of search criteria provided by the user, please note that the search would work on their titles when the user clicks on "Search" button or presses 'Enter' or 'Return' key.

Please note that while searching the characters in the start of a word that is part of title would be considered. For example search string "test" would fetch "testing" but not "fastest".

Editing and deleting requirements

Editing an inbuilt requirement in a TestCollab project

Editing and deleting is again easy simply click on requirement on the grid and on the requirements view panel use the action buttons.

Deleting an inbuilt requirement in a TestCollab project

Traceability matrix for requirements

You can get a traceability matrix report generated for requirements in project to know :

  • Total number of requirements

  • Requirements covered (have test cases linked with them)

  • Uncovered requirements (having no test case associated)

  • Linked test cases count

Traceability matrix for inbuilt requirements in a project in TestCollab

Please see the user guide article that explains the report in detail.

Note: TestCollab's inbuilt requirements management feature is available for companies on Elite plan or Enterprise plan. For more details please refer

Please do share your feedback on the feature along with any suggestions you may have.

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