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Fixed Issue Verification πŸ“œ

What to do when you are invited to complete a fixed issue verification task

Doris SoolΓ€te avatar
Written by Doris SoolΓ€te
Updated over 3 weeks ago

This article presents a requirement for our freelancers. Failure to follow the process might represent a breach of the Freelancer Services Agreement.

After an issue has been reported, developers often introduce fixes to try to resolve the issue. Fixed issue verification tasks are created to see if the fixes to previously reported issues are working or not on the build and environment assigned to you.Β 

Issue Verification Steps:

Start out by reading the steps in the issue report and try to reproduce them accordingly.

  • If possible, first try it on a different type of device (for example, if the issue was reported on a phone, try to reproduce it on a tablet).

  • If the issue is reproducible, no need to reproduce on another type of device.

  • If the issue is not reproducible, try on the same type of device as the original issue.

When you are done, add a comment to the issue report as follows:

  • Can't reproduce if the issue is fixed.

  • Can reproduce if the fix is not complete.

So the comment should include this information:

  • Can Reproduce/Can't Reproduce:Β 

  • Device and OS: <Device name>, <Operating system and version>

  • Testable App version: <App version>
    ​(Please add the full app version and not just the release number)

  • Network: <Network type, e.g WiFi, 4G>

And don't forget to attach the necessary files!Β 

  • A screen recording, a screenshot, and device logs.

  • If it is a user interface issue, only a screenshot is needed.

If the issue is fixed and you cannot reproduce it, close it with the reason Addressed.
If you can reproduce the issue and the fix is not complete, leave the issue as it is.

For Network freelancers: Send the Test Lead (Coordinator) a list of issues that you cannot test and with an explanation of why.

Think you've got the hang of it? Continue by reading about old issue verification or go over the guidelines for reproducing issues.


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