The Texecom Elite range is a highly configurable alarm system. Whilst many settings can be configured via the alarm keypad connected to the alarm control panel via an Engineer setup cable the use of Texecom's Wintex application is more convenient and can save in configuration time.
The Texecom alarm has a concept of an upload/download UDL Passcode. This passcode is not associated with either Engineer, Master nor any alarm user password once set by the installer.
1) Install Wintex (download here)
2) Install USB-COM driver (manual)
3) Open Wintex and create New account profile
4) Fill-in new account details
5) Fill in alarm panel type
6) Chose virtual USB-COM port number with is connected to the alarm panel
7) Press connect using PC-COM
8) Receive current settings from the alarm panel
9) Choose Communicator options
10) Set UDL Passcode and Enable Communicator
11) Set COM2 Baud rate to 19200 and Com port 2: Nothing Fitted
12) Send an update to the pannel and Hang up
13) Connect COM2 port of the alarm panel to Tethebox via USB-COM
14) Reboot the Tethebox