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All CollectionsTechnical Appendix to the StandardMeasurement
Use of market-based emissions for Scope 2 and/or Scope 3 reporting
Use of market-based emissions for Scope 2 and/or Scope 3 reporting
Updated over 2 months ago

Following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) guidance, certifying entities may calculate market- and/or location-based emissions totals for Scope 2 energy. Since no guidance exists for market-based reporting of value chain (Scope 3) emissions, and due to the widespread increase in use of EACs to accelerate clean energy development within value chain markets, TCCP extends the principles from Scope 2 GHGP guidance to allow for market-based reporting within Scope 3.1 (supplier energy use) and Scope 3.3 (supply chain fuel- and energy-related emissions).
If market-based emissions are calculated, certifying entities must report both market- and location-based emissions on their certification profile pages. Dual-reporting improves transparency and the inclusion of location-based totals more accurately reflects the actual emissions generated from electricity consumption.

The GHGP is currently reviewing its Standard, and if updated, TCCP will update this Technical Appendix to reflect the most recent guidance.

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