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General criteria for eligible BVC funding
Updated over 2 months ago

To qualify as a BVC investment, a project should meet these general criteria:

  1. Beyond value chain - the project occurs outside of the certifying entity’s value chain (operations or supply chain)

  2. Quantifiable - the BVC instrument is a contract for a specific and quantified climate outcome, such as a tonne of carbon dioxide removed, a megawatt-hour of clean electricity generated, or a tonne-mile of zero-emissions shipping

  3. Retired - the BVC instrument is retired by or on behalf of the certifying entity and no longer tradable

In addition, a BVC instrument must meet the core requirements of the Certification Standard, and satisfy the specific criteria explained in this section of the Technical Appendix.

If you have questions about any of the requirements, reach out to to confirm the details BEFORE you purchase anything.

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