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Requirements for new reduction action plans
Updated over 2 months ago

ALL certifying entities must create at least TWO reduction action plans (RAPs) each year to complete certification. RAPs are forward-looking, and:

  • Must be specific: must describe specific actions that will be undertaken to reduce emissions in your operations or supply chain (ie. future VCA projects). Certifying entities are strongly encouraged to include quantifiable metrics to monitor progress over time

  • Must be time bound: completed within the next 12-24 months

  • Must include Scope 3 emissions: at least one RAP must focus on reducing emissions from Scope 3 sources, unless the certifying entity is <$5m in annual revenue

  • Must NOT rely on market-based instruments: RAPs describing use of carbon credits, EACs, or other BVC mechanisms will not be accepted

  • Must NOT be the same as previously-submitted RAPs: companies are strongly encouraged to build on past projects, but new RAPs must show an active expansion of prior reduction activities

  • May not fall beyond the measurement boundary: refer to the measurement boundary in Table 1 in the Certification Standard. RAPs focused on reducing product use-phase or end-of-life phase emissions may be accepted in addition to two RAPs focused within the measurement boundary.

All RAPs reviewed and approved by the certification team will be reported on the company’s certification profile page, along with their reported progress to completion.

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